A new special education unit, that focuses on inclusive education, will be built at Ceduna Area School, following a $4.5 million funding announcement this week.
The new facility will be specifically designed for students with special needs, freeing the library for use for the wider community.
The special education unit’s two classes currently share a building with the community library, located on the school site.
Under the current arrangement, there is also no provision for special needs students in secondary school.
Formal planning will now begin, in consultation with the school, with the final design and construction to be determined once an architect has been appointed.
Ceduna Area School Principal Andrew Gravestocks said this is an exciting opportunity.
“Our families, students and community need to have equal access to high quality education facilities and programs, including those with additional needs,” he said.
“Having an inclusive environment is important to our school community and I’m pleased the upgrade will provide us with the right facilities.”
“The opportunity to ensure the public library and special education programs flourish is essential for our children, educators and wider community.”
Ceduna Area School caters for students from Reception to Year 12 and has about 420 students, with about 11 per cent having additional needs.