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Two students, one on each side of a teacher, stand talking to each other while looking at an iPad screen.

Country Education Strategy progress report released

29 March 2023

The 2021 to 2022 Country Education Strategy progress report has been released, highlighting key outcomes from the first year of work.

The initial focus has been on attracting and retaining teachers to country locations and making them feel welcome as part of their new community.

The Department for Education also invested in technology uplift in our country schools and preschools, as well as more services to support speech pathology, mental health and wellbeing in areas where provision is limited.

A pilot program recently started to examine how to improve access to housing for teachers in country locations. This reflects that accessible, affordable quality housing is an important factor in attracting and retaining quality educators to live and work in country communities.

Since October 2021, the department has:

  • provided financial assistance and other support for 38 pre-service teachers to undertake a country placement
  • covered 1,975 relief teaching days across 67 country schools through the country relief and capacity program, supporting country schools to meet their staffing needs
  • delivered ICT infrastructure upgrades in many country schools, improving their connectivity and access to hi-speed internet
  • improved access to psychology and speech pathology through tele-practice and external providers
  • established a Country Education Reference Group to create a pathway for country stakeholders to share issues and ideas
  • launched the Country Education website which shares activity in country schools and communicates supports available.

For more information, read the Country Education Strategy 2021 to 2022 progress report (PDF 214KB).