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Conducting research and evaluation in schools and preschools

On this page

Researchers wanting to undertake research at department sites such as school and preschools can find application forms and information about supporting documents as well as information about national research and how to access existing data. Department staff can find information about commissioning or reporting on research and evaluation.

Before you start

Researchers should read the conducting research with department staff, students and data procedure (PDF 155 KB) before applying to conduct research.

Supporting documentation you may need for your application include:

  • Working with Children Check OR Teachers Registration Board registration
  • Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) application, amendments or letter of approval
  • letter of introduction to principal, preschool director or site leader
  • information sheets for participants
  • instruments, assessments or questionnaires
  • consent forms
  • proof of public liability insurance (see below).

See the department's research policy (PDF 530 KB) for more information.

Proof of public liability insurance – university contacts

The University of Adelaide

Legal and risk – human research projects and clinical trials

The University of South Australia

Level 2, 101 Currie Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Internal Post Code – 101-06
Phone 08 830 21678
Fax: 08 830 21699 
Email: insurance [at] unisa.edu.au
CRICOS provider no. 00121B

Flinders University

Risk and assurance services
Phone: 8201 3793
Email: riskandinsurance [at] flinders.edu.au
CRICOS provider no. 00114A

Apply to undertake research

Research in South Australia only

For a new research study, complete the research application form (DOCX 1 MB) .

To modify an already approved research study, you can complete the shorter research modification form (DOCX 1 MB) .

Email completed forms and all supporting documents to Education.ResearchUnit@sa.gov.au.

Research in more than 1 Australian state or territory

Different forms and guidelines may apply to researchers undertaking projects across other states and territories. You should check guidelines specific to the state you want to conduct research in:


Request access to department data

You can request access to data that is already held by the department but not typically collected for the purposes of research. This includes:

  • enrolments
  • attendance

Learn more about requesting data on government schools.

Commissioning or reporting on research and evaluation

Department for Education staff should read the following for general guidance on:

Research and Evaluation

Email: Education.ResearchUnit@sa.gov.au