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South Australian Skills Plan

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South Australia's Skills Plan is focused on developing highly adaptable skilled people that contribute to a thriving South Australia and are supported by a connected skills system.

South Australia’s Skill Plan is made up of three key publications:

We will release the 2024 Jobs and Skills Outlook and Skills Investment plan in the coming months.

Our policy direction

South Australia has partnered with the Australian Government through the National Skills Agreement (NSA) which will provide a $2.29 billion investment in skills for South Australians. This investment will address the challenges identified and deliver the reforms outlined in the Policy Direction.

The Policy Direction focuses on three key outcomes:

  • Skilled people: Learners make informed choices, progress skills development, gain meaningful work and can access tailored supports.
  • Thriving South Australia: Employers and industry actively engage and partner to build an adaptable workforce, informed by need and evidence.
  • Connected skills system: Learners access quality training providers, improve training delivery through flexible and responsive models that meet skills needs.

See also, Skilled. Thriving. Connected. (PDF, 3MB) and Policy on a Page (PDF, 617KB).

Engagement with South Australians

As part of the development of the Skills Plan, Skills SA asked students, businesses, communities training providers and industry for feedback on the opportunities to position South Australia's skills system for the future.

The feedback received during South Australian Skills Plan engagement identified a range of challenges and opportunities facing communities and industry sectors.

Immediate actions taken

In response to feedback, Skills SA took immediate action to develop solutions to skills shortages and open new opportunities to connect South Australians to training and future jobs.

These initiatives can be found in the South Australian Skills Plan engagement – taking immediate action (PDF 1.3MB) publication.

Skills Infoline

Phone: 1800 673 097
Email: skills@sa.gov.au