Here are some great activities young children will love. Families can use the activities in this resource to help develop their child's language skills through storytelling and play.
Here are some great activities young children will love. Families can use the activities in this resource to help develop their child's language skills through storytelling and play.
These short stories from ABC Kids will entertain both families and children. Stories include favourites like Possum Magic.
Singing songs is a great way to help children learn the alphabet. Here are some links to help.
These links will give families ideas for activities to help their children develop skills by giving them opportunities to experiment with writing and drawing.
Here are 2 online interactive stories about Daniel Tiger's neighbourhood. They work best on desktop computers and iPads.
Ideas and activities families can use to create reading opportunities with everyday things.
These links from the GreatStart website give families ideas about how to help their children develop early writing skills.
These links from the GreatStart website give families simple ideas for getting children talking and storytelling.
These 5 free apps for Apple devices are fun, educational ways to help young children learn language and literacy skills.
Children love to sing. Here are some links to get families singing at home with their children.
Advice for busy families about building learning experiences into everyday routines.
Here are some activities families can do to help children learn the skills they need to be successful readers.
Young children love making music. These 11 activities will help families make and play musical instruments at home.
Young children often have a favourite toy. This activity has ideas to help the child develop basic language concepts by making a picture book with their favourite toy.
Young children love to play games and they love music. This website gives families a list of 10 activities that help children to develop rhythm, rhyme and pattern.
Young children's identity comes from their family - and their name! Playing with their name, writing and drawing should be fun. Experiment with writing inside and outside in lots of different ways. Try writing short letters or emails to grandparents or friends together.
Make words fun! Language and literacy skills are important for everyone, including babies. In this resource, families can work through the everyday activities provided in the links below to develop their child’s skills and understanding and use of language.
Reading every day is important. These fun ideas will help families encourage children to read, read, read.
Children love dinosaurs! These videos and activities will give families learning ideas to have fun with children interested in dinosaurs.
These are quick and simple songs, games or videos using Aboriginal language or about Aboriginal culture. Families can use this with young children. This will help build language skills at home.
These links are to an award-winning children’s literacy website which has videos featuring actors reading children’s books. The books in these links are familiar to young children.
These resources give useful tips to help families read in a way that is engaging and educational for their child.
Teddy bears are everywhere and just about everyone has a favourite teddy! They're cute and cuddly, mischievous and wise.
Facebook site– Adelaide Bear Hunt group:
This South Australian Facebook site offers families ideas on how to expand children’s learning and connect, virtually, with others. You can opportunity then extend this idea through stories songs and movement, inspired by the Teddy Bear theme.
Wombat Stew is a favourite Aussie storybook about a cute and cuddly marsupial. Come on in and explore the fun.
Page last updated: 13 Oct 2022
learningathome [at]