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Art can be messy and creative. Children learn a lot from drawing, painting, scribbling and finger painting. This can be challenging for families but it's fun for children. It's always worth the mess.

This website contains a variety of creative activities based on popular BBC children's television programs like 'Sarah and Duck', 'Hey Duggee', 'Go Jetters', 'Charlie and Lola' and 'Andy's Dinosaur Adventures'.

Activities include puppet making, singalongs, games, puzzles, recipes and visual art ideas.



Learn to make shadow puppets and tell the story of the dinosaurs in your own play.

This resource includes fifty five creative ideas for families to do together.

These links from GreatStart give ideas for creative learning opportunities to try at home. 

Create plays with this free iPad app featuring a library of 8 animated fairytale characters and 5 background scenes. Children could use the app to:

  • retell a story or event 
  • take photos to create new backgrounds to help retell events 
  • create short stories.

Connected to the Tate gallery, this website hosts a variety of materials that teachers can use in their planning, and families can also use with students.