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Years 3 to 6

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This resource uses an interactive timeline to scroll through identified dates in South Australia's history. It is most suitable for students in year 5.

‘Families magazine’ has a range of ANZAC Day age-appropriate tasks. The tasks will lay the foundations for understanding, empathy and respect relating to ANZAC Day.

This resource contains 8 units of work developed by the History Teachers Association of Australia.

They provide highly detailed unit plans, sequenced lesson plans and all the necessary information to undertake the learning.


What is democracy? Why is it important in Australia? What are the democratic values in Australia?

This resources provides information and activities for exploring the Australian democratic system. 

Behind the News is a locally made ABC news broadcast programme targeted at students aged 8 to 13 years. Behind the News (more commonly known as BTN) helps students to understand current affairs, news stories and social issues.

This 5-lesson plan looks at natural hazards and disasters, the conditions where bushfires occur, spreading factors, bushfire attack, fire danger ratings, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander use of fire, and bushfire survival. It also includes information and worksheets to accompany 2 books: Nerida McMullan’s ‘Fabish, the horse that braved a bushfire’ and Jackie French’s ‘Fire’. The resource has been created by the Geography Teachers Association (GTA).

Australian people spend 713 million hours volunteering each year. This resource looks at volunteer projects occurring around the world and the impact they are having.

This age-appropriate site can be used by students to explore the main geographical features of the continents of Asia and Australia. Students can select a country and are presented with easy-to-read geographical facts. The fun facts section provides more information and data in under the categories of geography, continents, oceans, food, flags, passports, landmarks and oceans.

This age-appropriate site is most adaptable for students to explore the main geographical features of Australia. Students can locate information by selecting the country of Australia which provides easy-to-read geographical facts. Using the fun facts section students can find a more global report using keys words like geography, continents, oceans, food, flags, passports, landmarks and oceans.

This age-appropriate site can be used by students to explore the main geographical features of the continents of Europe and Australia. Students can select a country and are presented with easy-to-read geographical facts. The fun facts section provides more information and data in under the categories of geography, continents, oceans, food, flags, passports, landmarks and oceans.

This age-appropriate site can be used by students to explore the main geographical features of the continents of North America and Australia. Students can select a country and are presented with easy-to-read geographical facts. The fun facts section provides more information and data in under the categories of geography, continents, oceans, food, flags, passports, landmarks and oceans.

The ABC Education website is a fantastic repository of resources to support History learning from reception to Year 10.

These 3 mapping and landform resources will guide explorations into different landforms (hill, mountain, river, lake, valley, bay, peninsula, coastal plain, piedmont, plain and plateau) and where they occur in the world.

What different celebrations are observed in Australia? This resource uses videos available from ABC Education website.  It provides great interactive activities and ideas for teachers and parents.

This resource from the National Museum of Australia enables students to consider reasons why people left their homes to travel to the goldfields and what their life was like there.

This resource from Consumer Affairs Victoria deals with students as consumers. One specific activity looks at the difference between needs and wants. Our needs and wants are unlimited but the resources available to satisfy these wants are limited. Students can explore how the community defines, classifies and uses goods and services.

This resource from Consumer Affairs Victoria deals with students as consumers. Our needs and wants are unlimited but the resources available to satisfy these wants are limited. Students can investigate the concept of 'opportunity cost' and how consumers have limited resources to satisfy unlimited needs and wants.

This resource from Consumer Affairs Victoria deals with students as consumers. One specific activity looks at the definition and use of resources.

Who was the most significant Australian Prime Minister of the 20th Century? This resource is most suitable for year 6 history under the theme 'the contribution of individuals and groups to the development of Australian society since Federation'.

What were the significant events in Australia's history? This resource from the National Museum of Australian charts those events on a timeline.

The ‘Australians together’ website provides several video and written accounts of the challenges faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people since European settlement. The stories are engaging and are supported with images and video from the time as well as interviews with those affected. The topics covered include the stolen generation, stolen wages, discrimination, intervention and colonial attitudes.

These units of work by the Parliamentary Education Office (PEO)provide teachers with a valuable teaching resource. The PEO is a federal government website that provides an excellent collection of teacher resources that can be used to deliver or develop units of work for years 5 to 10 for the 'civics and citizenship' learning area within the Australian Curriculum. Unit plans are provided for each year level with supporting documents and videos included within the same site. Teachers can use recommendations and instructions to deliver skills and content.

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) website provides the Australian people with information about the federal government electoral process. The Electoral Commission SA (ECSA) website provides information about the South Australian state government electoral process.

What was life like on the Australian goldfields?

Play the National Museum of Australia gold rush game at least twice and choose to be a different character each time.

What can you learn about life on the Goldfields each time you play?

Question: How do federal, state and local levels of government work together to deliver services and keep Australia on track? In this resource, students in years 5-10 are introduced to the 3 levels of government that govern Australia with videos, a fact sheet and an interactive game.

This resource from Consumer Affairs Victoria deals with students as consumers.

The Bureau of Meteorology website has information on past, present and predicted future weather and climate for the states and territories of Australia, for Antarctica and for the rest of the world. The 'Our services' section provides opportunities for further research into meteorological data about agriculture, past weather, water information, marine and ocean, UV and sun protection, environmental information and aviation weather services.

This resource covers some of the fundamental concepts in the 'Economics and business' section of the Australian Curriculum.