A select collection of NASA resources for students, parents and families.
A select collection of NASA resources for students, parents and families.
Can snails fart? This question was asked by students and answered by experts.
This is one of the questions posted by a co-production between ABC KIDS listen and The Conversation.
These websites explain the differences between physical and chemical changes using simple terminology. They contain lists of examples and pictures of physical and chemical changes as well easy to understand definitions.
NASA's Climate Kids website tells the story of our changing planet through the eyes of the NASA missions studying Earth. Targeting middle to upper primary students, the site is full of games, activities and articles that make climate science accessible and engaging. Climate Kids is produced by the Earth science communications team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The resources are guided by 6 big questions:
Cool Australia has been supporting teachers since 2008, providing them with learning activities and resources that make teaching and understanding real world scenarios as easy as possible. Units, lessons and activities are Australian Curriculum aligned and free to educators and students. Parents can currently sign up to access free curriculum-aligned lessons and activities for use at home. You can browse by resource type, year levels and subjects. There is also a student friendly toolbox that contains instructions for experiments.
Take a trip into space and look back at the Earth. Turn the Earth to find out how the Earth's rotation is related to night and day.
An American website that provides extensive information for students on the 4 strands of science:
Students can search for a topic they are currently studying and the website will provide thorough explanations, definitions and activities to consolidate their learning.
How do moths eat our clothes? This question was asked by students and answered by experts.
This is one of the questions posted by the co-production between ABC KIDS listen and The Conversation.
Families could read this article together with their children. Together you can think scientifically and engage in some further research to answer the inquiry questions.
This resource introduces students to the fascinating science behind light and colour. What exactly is light? What makes something one colour rather than another? What causes rainbows? Through clearly explained diagrams and fun illustrations, students learn about the ways light waves are reflected and refracted. They will gain an understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum as a whole.
Interactive activities, games and wordplays that allow students to build on their knowledge and understanding of how light behaves.
Play the role of a detective while completing fun challenges and using your knowledge of magnetism!
In this game, a thief is on the loose and we need to stop them from committing more crimes. Use your knowledge of magnets by dropping them in the correct position to save the priceless items from being stolen forever!
Mystery Science develops many popular science lessons used by teachers in the USA. All resources are made for teachers by teachers. To help educators during this time, Mystery Science have made freely available their most popular science lessons. These lessons are readily adapted to the science learning in the Australian Curriculum. They have created a starter set of science lessons that you can use remotely or share. If you would like more lessons, then it's free to sign up.
This website is set up by NASA and their STEM engagement team. It is aimed at reception to year 4 students. Fun activities to do at home - launch rockets, build a moon habitat and solve space puzzles through STEM.
Packed full of cool kids games that will test their skill and have them completing challenges! Play with your favourite characters like Spongebob Squarepants or take on the animal kingdom as you run like a cheetah or swim like a fish to accumulate points. Plus there are also word scrambles and perplexing puzzles to try too.
The Oliphant Science Awards is an annual competition for South Australian school students from reception to year 12 to develop their interest in science through a science-based competition with a range of categories to suit a wide variety of abilities and interests. Learning science encourages students to develop a range of skills such as observation, prediction and communication, as well as expanding their knowledge within and between the diverse domains of science. The Oliphant Science Awards provide students with an opportunity to expand their scientific literacy, by showing interest and understanding in the world around them and engaging in discussions about science.
Learn about the properties of materials as you experiment with a variety of different objects. Discover the interesting characteristics that materials possess, are they flexible, waterproof, strong or transparent? Students will have the opportunity to test the properties of everyday materials.
Students can learn more about our world and explore science through experiments, cool facts, online games, activities, photos, quizzes and videos.
Science Kids is a great resource for students to use both at home and at school.
The Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) in partnership with Education Services Australia (ESA) has prepared 15 units of work to support teaching science in the implementation of the Australian Curriculum Science.
Students explore and examine geological processes and phenomena and how these change the Earth’s surface over time. Students are introduced to rock types and the rock cycle, in order to understand how rocks weather and erode. Students examine rocks and soil types and identify these in their local or school environment in order to assist in their understanding of how rocks change over long periods of time.
A library of short videos covering the key concepts of STEM.
Students work in cooperative learning teams to explore how adding and removing heat can impact on the properties of gas and result in changes to the states of matter. Through class discussions, group tasks and scientific investigations, students develop an understanding of how the observable properties and behaviours of these states of matter are used to help classify substances and why some substances are difficult to classify.
Discover how flowering plants reproduce and the important role the life cycle of a plant plays in the plant kingdom.
The Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) in partnership with Education Services Australia (ESA) has prepared 15 units of work to support teachers in the implementation of the Australian Curriculum as part of the Supporting the Australian Curriculum Online (SACOL). The units are designed for students from reception to year 10.
These units have been written by experienced teachers using resources that are available online. Each unit consists of an overview, 5 lesson plans, and additional links and resources.
During this unit, students are engaged in the subject of heat transfer by being introduced to the apprentice chef Pierre who needs the assistance of the students to solve some problems he encounters in his kitchen.
Meet Walter, a friendly animal who will guide you on your quest for knowledge about erosion and weathering. You will begin your journey by doing different activities that will simulate weathering and erosion. The game continues with a variety of activities and information. Aimed at students in years 5 and 6.
Build a script about earthquakes for a television show. Help a researcher to sort facts and pictures. Use a model structure, sample text and images to build an explanation. Include sections on causes, processes and effects. Connect ideas in the script by adding joining words such as 'however' and 'finally'. This learning object is one in a series of 4 objects.
Students get to be the author of their own silly story, combining literacy with science facts.
Page last updated: 13 Oct 2022
learningathome [at] sa.gov.au