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Years 7 to 10

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These are poetry resources for R to 10 from ABC Education. There are various videos around different poetic elements.

English resources are mapped to the Australian Curriculum and suitable for primary and secondary students.

Reading eggs is an online reading program for children aged 2 to 14. Children do animated online lessons where they learn reading and phonics skills.

Looking for children's picture books or stories for older readers? The National Emergency Library is a digital collection of books that families, students and teachers can borrow for free.

These resources will help develop students' critical viewing skills and their understanding of locally produced Australian television shows and movies.

Behind the News (BTN) is an ABC news show aimed at children aged 8 to 13 years. BTN helps students to understand the issues and events outside their own lives.

Brain Pickings is a blog by Maria Popova about science, literature and the arts. There are many topics to explore in Brain Pickings, and in this case the focus is on the literary jukebox feature. Here Popova takes a significant quote from literature, which could be familiar or more obscure, and matches that quote to a piece of music.

A curated website for teachers with model English units integrated with other curriculum areas and links to resources.  

Sometimes students just don't know where to start when asked to write a story. This digibook has short videos to support a step by step approach to creating stories.

A digital library of books that represent languages and cultures from around the world.

This is an online resource to give students practice activities that are aligned to the Australian Curriculum.

A short video exploring the social context of Jane Austen’s novels.

'This is a library of resources for kids, families, teachers, and librarians to make sure that reading and learning can happen anywhere.' — Kate Messner's website


A searchable, collection of daily news and past articles that are safe for students.

Reading alarming things online can create all sorts of problems. Media literacy from ABC Education is collection of media literacy resources that helps students fact-check online news and information. It encourages them to critically question the news and feel empowered when confronting troubling current events. There are tips for teachers.

This website is a library of resources for children, families, teachers and literacy leaders to support foundational reading skills. 

The website features an image for every day of the year, and each image is comes with story starters, questions and grammar challenges. Some of the pictures are targeted at younger students but many will appeal to a broader audience. This is a free site but a subscription will allow teachers to upload their students' writing or download other students’ writing from around the world.

Six of Ali Cobby Eckermann's poems are read by the poet herself. Each reading comes with a short interview that explains the work more. Eckermann is a Yankunytjatjara/Kokatha woman born on Kaurna land in South Australia.

Twice a week, the Irish poet Pádraig Ó Tuama reads, reflects upon and then re-reads a poem. The poems are drawn from classics to contemporary.

    Reading Australia is a collection of Australian literature resources suitable for students from reception to year 12.

    Red Room Poetry ‘makes poetry highly visible, vibrant, relevant and accessible, especially to those who face the greatest barriers to creative opportunities.’ They aim to reflect the diversity of Australian voices. Each year Red Room invites students, teachers and commissioned poets to create poems based on objects. There are extensive learning resources for students from preschool to year 12, and over 18,000 student-created poems online.

    A website providing a suite of multiple resources that can be used for students across multiple levels of schooling. This will support learning the building blocks of words – sounds, spelling and word parts.  

    Story box library is a subscription-based educational website, created for children to see stories by local authors and illustrators being read aloud by mostly Australian and New Zealand storytellers.

    These are free audio stories for kids that can be listened to via podcast or on the website. Stories include fairy tales, myths and legends, stories from around the world, and poetry.

    Talk about Rights is a year 6 unit  with 12 lessons. It involves historical inquiry, an examination of famous speeches and the film Rabbit Proof Fence. This is large resource with multiple lessons.


    ‘Teach your child to read’ is a series of 8 ‘alphabetic code and phonics skills’ ebooks, which provide easy to understand, step by step guidance. The ebooks can be used with earners of all abilities and with EALD learners.

    The British Council Teaching English website includes a broad range of resources for primary and secondary educators, including lesson plans, practical resources and teaching tools.

    The literacy shed is a visual literacy resource with high quality images, films and animations to use in the primary classroom.

    The Moth is a US-based organisation that publishes live performances of stories online, via website, podcast, and YouTube. The Moth's creators believe that 'one of the best ways to take care of one another is by listening to and sharing true, personal stories.’



    This resource focuses on the short film Growing up Ethan from the New York Times Learning Network film club. The first-person perspective or point-of-view of Ethan and that of family, allows students to consider not only how autism impacts on Ethan and his family life, but also how he tells that story.

    Create information reports for a tourism website.

    Vocabulary.com has a lot of activities and information for teaching vocabulary. This page helps with word-building (morphology, morphemes, and roots). Such word skills help students as they encounter new vocabulary in their reading. Then, as students write, they are better equipped to try new words themselves.

    SBS Learn is a library of educational resources linked to SBS documentaries, dramas, news and current affairs, sport, and other productions aired on SBS and NITV, its national Indigenous television channel. Created for teachers and students, SBS Learn hosts resources aligned to the Australian Curriculum. One example is ‘Grace beside me’, a weekly television series on NITV.

    This is a unit of work from Reading Australia based on the novel, ‘Storm boy’ by Colin Thiele. This unit explores the time period, the geographical area, and the rhythm of the storyline and character development.