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Years 7 to 10

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Fire, the result of a combustion reaction, is important in ecosystems as it promotes the recycling of nutrients. This process is well-known by Aboriginal people. They have been using fire for millennia to control the transfer of matter and energy through the ecosystem in a practice known as firestick farming. 

Students learn the traditional fire management practices of the Aboriginal people. Traditional fire management is used for bushfire management, and is recognised by contemporary science for the interactions between the biosphere and the atmosphere and effectively reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Lately, many farmers and scientists interested in sustainable patterns of land use, long-term environmental change and weather patterns have turned to Aboriginal weather knowledge to better understand the seasons and weather in South Australia.

Here are a number of websites you may explore to investigate Aboriginal knowledge on the seasons and ways of knowing.

Notice not all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations have the same calendars.

Use this interactive game to learn about the differences between animals and plants by sorting them into different categories.

A hands on science learning task.

Watch this video to develop an understanding of the structure of atoms.

Consider how the seasonal calendar used in most Western societies is based on specific dates to mark each season, while Aboriginal people observe the position of stars in the sky and follow water, plant and animal cycles as ways of identifying seasonal phenomena.

Learn about how our continental plates move in this science investigation.

Students use Oreos or other cream filled biscuits to investigate the phenomena of plate tectonics.

Can snails fart? This question was asked by students and answered by experts.

This is one of the questions posted by a co-production between ABC KIDS listen and The Conversation.

New York Times technology columnist David Pogue explores how carbon isotopes can be used to determine the age of once-living matter.

The video is from NOVA: Hunting the Elements. 


Look at different cells under a light microscope in this interactive science investigation.

This page introduces year 7 students to the concept of chromatography.


Go on a virtual tour of many zoos around the world. On your visit to the zoo you'll learn how to classify animals by their physical features.

You might like to visit more than one zoo online.

This interactive item enables you to learn how Linnaeus taxonomy is used by scientists to identify and communicate the diversity of animals.

In this science investigation you'll solve the problem of producing high quality water.

    This is an interactive animation on day and night.

    Learn the differences between photosynthesis and respiration.

    To introduce year 7 students to the concept of distillation as a process of separating substances.

    This interactive item demonstrates the principle of dominance, which is fundamental to modern genetics. The item is adapted from the Dolan DNA Learning Centre.

    This video shows how a son inherits an exact copy of his father's Y chromosome.

    The genetics teaching box found on the Exploratorium website has a series of suggested lessons with links to activities and worksheets.

    The science concepts covered are Mendelian genetics, molecular genetics and genes and the environment.

    Learn how genetic testing is squeezing every last ounce of speed from racehorses in this video from NATURE: Equus – Story of the Horse. Dr. Emmeline Hill discovered how to predict a horse’s best racing distance by analysing the sequence of the 'speed gene'.


    Try this science investigation at home to challenge the law of conservation of mass.

    This interactive video helps you to understand the misconceptions between heat and temperature.

    Interactive science investigation on homeostasis - to keep an athlete running.

    The body has automatic control systems that maintain your homeostasis.

    In this investigation you need to maintain the runner's internal environment, regulating their oxygen, fluids, blood sugar and temperature.

    This interactive module explores methods used to survey large animal populations, and what they have revealed about the current state of the African elephant population.

    African elephants provide a powerful case study for how science can inform conservation.

    Knowing how many elephants are left and where they live is important in devising strategies to protect them.


    Learn how a water balloon helps scientists capture data and make predictions on climate change.

    Play this interactive game to learn about the law of conservation of mass.

    This a worksheet to learn the parts of the microscope.

    Use this interactive lab to learn how to control the process of meiosis and fertilisation.

    In this lab you will explore heredity and genetics by breeding and studying virtual dragons. Examine the genes on dragon chromosomes, recombining alleles, and selecting the right gametes.

    Learn about the properties of rocks and minerals through this interactive game by Science Kids (needs Flash).

    Rocks, minerals and soils have different characteristics that set them apart from others.

    The video tells the stories of 2 couples following the discovery that their child has Tay-Sachs disease, an incurable disorder caused by the misspelling of just one letter out of three billion in the entire human genome.

    This video segment from NOVA: Cracking the Code of Life illustrates the power of the genetic code.

    Find out if scientists can solve the puzzle of how some of the world's best preserved mummies lived and died?

    The Oliphant Science Awards is an annual competition for South Australian school students from reception to year 12 to develop their interest in science through a science-based competition with a range of categories to suit a wide variety of abilities and interests. Learning science encourages students to develop a range of skills such as observation, prediction and communication, as well as expanding their knowledge within and between the diverse domains of science. The Oliphant Science Awards provide students with an opportunity to expand their scientific literacy, by showing interest and understanding in the world around them and engaging in discussions about science.

    Design a coronavirus quarantine house.

    You might like to submit your design in a global challenge, or share with an engineer or with South Australia's entrepreneurs through Future Industries Exchange for Entrepreneurship (FIXE).

    Learn about photosynthesis.

    This interactive media:

    • enables students to describe the process of photosynthesis using mindmapping techniques
    • provides backgrounds and images for both day and night scenarios
    • includes a palette of 23 items such as images, chemical symbols, text boxes and drawing tools.

    Engage with this interactive challenge to learn and deepen your understanding of tectonic boundaries.

    Read this article and consider the following questions for your science as a human endeavour task on climate change.

    Learn about the formation of the different types of rocks through an interactive lesson.

    Use this interactive website to develop science inquiry skills by designing a roller coaster.

    Videos of the Earth’s global systems recorded by NASA satellites.

    Science by Doing is a free resource that has a teacher guide and digital and PDF versions (for printing) of science units for years 7 to 10. These resources were produced by the Australian Academy of Science to support students to learn the Australian Curriculum Science.

    The Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) in partnership with Education Services Australia (ESA) has prepared 15 units of work to support teaching science in the implementation of the Australian Curriculum Science.


    See how a scientist uses taxonomy to identify the difference between a prawn and a shrimp.

    Use this interactive activity to design a solar cooker.

    You can choose different variables to reach temperatures needed to cook food such as chicken, pizza and eggs using the sun's energy.

    Sort animals and learn about classification.

    Explore how sound travels as a wave through this interactive science investigation.

    Learn about sound waves by reading an article and taking a quiz.

    An interactive item on the particle theory of solids, liquids and gases.

    What happens to a population when the environment changes?

    Chemical patterns is a digital resource by Science by Doing. There is both a teacher guide and a students digital resource. For those students who don't have an online device to use at home, the teacher could print off the pdf version for them.

    Introduction to energy forms, heat, thermal, mechanical, chemical, sound, electrical, kinetic energy and potential energy.

    In this science investigation you will build and test 2 water rockets to enable you to identify factors that affect forces and motion.

    Follow up by viewing the video on Newton's Third Law, this may help you with your explanation.

    Read the explanation article on dominant and recessive genes.

    Learn about what causes the seasons.

    Use this interactive item on wind energy to design the best wind turbine to use in different environments.

    Learn about wind power by reading an article and taking a quiz.