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Reception to year 2

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A select collection of NASA resources for students, parents and families.

This resource provides information and activities to support reception to year 2 students learning of physical sciences and chemical sciences. Students will be exposed to the following learnings:

  • forces affect how an object moves or changes shape
  • forces affect materials in different ways
  • making predictions on how certain objects will react when a force is applied
  • carrying out an investigation based on their predictions.

Cool Australia has been supporting teachers since 2008, providing them with learning activities and resources that make teaching and understanding real world scenarios as easy as possible. Units, lessons and activities are Australian Curriculum aligned and free to educators and students. Parents can currently sign up to access free curriculum-aligned lessons and activities for use at home. You can browse by resource type, year levels and subjects. There is also a student friendly toolbox that contains instructions for experiments.

An American website that provides extensive information for students on the 4 strands of science:

  • biological sciences
  • earth and space
  • physical sciences
  • chemical sciences.

Students can search for a topic they are currently studying and the website will provide thorough explanations, definitions and activities to consolidate their learning.

A sequential learning program that includes videos, interactive activities, learning sheets and assessments for reporting and checking in on students progress.

In this game, students look at the habitat and match the wildlife that they think would most likely live there. As they answer the questions, they learn more about habitats and why certain animals live where they do.

Mystery Science develops many popular science lessons used by teachers in the USA. All resources are made for teachers by teachers. To help educators during this time, Mystery Science have made freely available their most popular science lessons. These lessons are readily adapted to the science learning in the Australian Curriculum. They have created a starter set of science lessons that you can use remotely or share. If you would like more lessons, then it's free to sign up.

    This website is set up by NASA and their STEM engagement team. It is aimed at reception to year 4 students. Fun activities to do at home - launch rockets, build a moon habitat and solve space puzzles through STEM.

    Packed full of cool kids games that will test their skill and have them completing challenges! Play with your favourite characters like Spongebob Squarepants or take on the animal kingdom as you run like a cheetah or swim like a fish to accumulate points. Plus there are also word scrambles and perplexing puzzles to try too.

    The Oliphant Science Awards is an annual competition for South Australian school students from reception to year 12 to develop their interest in science through a science-based competition with a range of categories to suit a wide variety of abilities and interests. Learning science encourages students to develop a range of skills such as observation, prediction and communication, as well as expanding their knowledge within and between the diverse domains of science. The Oliphant Science Awards provide students with an opportunity to expand their scientific literacy, by showing interest and understanding in the world around them and engaging in discussions about science.

    This comprehensive teacher resource explores push and pull forces used to move objects. A series of collaborative inquiry-based learning activities explore these forces including sliding, bouncing and spinning. Investigations are conducted to observe and gather evidence about rolling objects, and explore the idea of fair testing.

    There are 7 structured lessons with:

    • comprehensive lesson plans
    • student handouts
    • additional teaching support material.

    The unit is based on the 5E's learning model for teaching science, and includes literacy and numeracy focuses to support learning in these areas and assessment strategies relevant to various stages of the teaching unit. The resource is part of a complete series from reception to year 6.

    Students can learn more about our world and explore science through experiments, cool facts, online games, activities, photos, quizzes and videos.

    Science Kids is a great resource for students to use both at home and at school.

    The Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) in partnership with Education Services Australia (ESA) has prepared 15 units of work to support teaching science in the implementation of the Australian Curriculum Science.


    The Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA), in partnership with Education Services Australia (ESA), has prepared 15 units of work to support teachers in the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Science as part of the Supporting the Australian Curriculum Online (SACOL). They have units designed for students from reception to year 10.

    These units have been written by experienced teachers using resources that are available online. Each unit consists of an overview, 5 lesson plans, and additional links and resources.

    It's Mindy's birthday today, and she's over the moon with excitement! In this clip from Ready Jet Go!, the kids celebrate by jumping around in a bounce house. Sean and Face 9000 then explain to Mindy what gravity is, and why a person can jump higher on the moon compared to Earth.

    Students get to be the author of their own silly story, combining literacy with science facts.