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Reception to year 2

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Code.org is one of the world's leading resources for inspiring young people to learn about computer programming.

The website has categorised activities and projects that teachers can use to design units of work or that students can explore on their own.

Messy play includes experiences that stimulate a child's sense of touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing, as well as their movement and balance.

There are 2 lessons to be learned with this resource. One is about designing and creating a magnificent Rube Goldberg machine. The other is about learning from failure.

Use this TEDed resource to find out about magnificent machines and learning from our mistakes.

Computer scientists talk to computers using algorithms, which are step-by-step instructions. This resource explores algorithms without needing to use a computer.


ScratchJr is a visual programming language designed to introduce coding skills to children ages 5 to 7.

Sorting data and finding patterns is the first step in identifying a problem to solve. This resource asks students to sort picture data in lots of different ways.

Students could even go for a walk along their street and sort the houses into categories. For example: 2 storey, old, new, big, small, number of windows – whatever categories you can imagine.

Sometimes we can re-sort the information and find that items were separate in one category, but together in another. Use the NRich mathematics resource to sort the houses into categories.

It is really important to protect our identities when using online tools. These videos from the e-safety commissioner help students work through what is safe to share and what isn't.

    Students working through this resource will be able to:

    • identify personal information
    • demonstrate an awareness of why it might be unwise to share their personal information online 
    • learn how to protect their personal information online
    • understand the importance of seeking advice from a trusted adult before participating online or if they feel unsafe online
    • feel encouraged to be open about their online experiences with a trusted adult.

    Have you ever wondered how a laptop, or a smart phone or a tablet works? Understanding the devices we use every day and how they work is important. Even very young children can explore how devices work.

    In this resource, students will work through the activities listed to develop their skills and understanding of digital systems.

    Can 5 year olds code? Yep, they sure can! Scratch Jr is a free app that can be used on a tablet or desktop computer. This resource guides students through making an animation using very simple programming blocks.