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Aboriginal school special learning programs

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There are special learning programs for students at Aboriginal schools in outback South Australia, regional centres and metropolitan Adelaide.

Teaching programs take account of culture, social experience and learning experience. Aboriginal languages are spoken at most Aboriginal schools.

Preschool and school

Preschool, primary school and high school are usually offered at separate sites but are sometimes combined on one site.

Where high school subjects are not offered at a remote school, students have options like:

High school programs


Aboriginal students from remote community schools can get financial assistance to attend the Wiltja high school program in Adelaide.

Wiltja students enrol at either Woodville High School or Avenues College, and attend both mainstream and Wiltja classes. Students board at the Wiltja residence at Northgate.

For more information contact:

Warriappendi Secondary School

Warriappendi Secondary School enables secondary Aboriginal students to achieve improved results in attendance, academic success and connection to culture. Providing high quality individualised learning to students in a positive environment built upon respect, connection and growth is the highest priority of school staff.

For more information phone Warriappendi Secondary School on 8293 3137.

Contact your local Aboriginal school.

Aboriginal Education Directorate

Phone: 8226 4391
Email: education.aboriginalservices [at] sa.gov.au