Construction of the Le Fevre High School capital works upgrade is now complete, making it the first of 99 schools to receive major facility upgrades. Key features of the $2.09 million upgrade include:
- construction of a new building providing flexible, contemporary learning areas with a shared activity space, teacher preparation and storage
- refurbishment of the existing home economics building to provide new hospitality facilities, associated learning areas, teacher preparation and storage
- demolition of ageing infrastructure.
Students started using the new facilities in term 1 of 2021.
Construction complete at Le Fevre High School - 1 minute 51 seconds
Construction complete video transcript
Craig Bailey: [00:00:00] How fortunate are we at Le Fevre High School, we have a complete refurbishment of our home economics centre and we have a brand new building in our Southwest precinct of the site for middle-school students. That middle school building incorporates 4 classrooms, incorporates offices for a number of staff. It also incorporates a breakout space.
It's beautifully positioned as far as light is concerned, looking out over the tennis courts and over the oval and then back into the school. I think our middle school students are going to be absolutely over the moon with that space. Our home economics centre did look like a 1970s, 1960s, sort of dishevelled type space with old wooden creaky floorboards and you walk in here now and it looks like a brand new building.
I think that the students will be absolutely excited with these new facilities. I think they'll also feel a sense of, wow, look at what we've got. I'm hoping again, that provides a lift to them with regard to their [00:01:00] wellbeing and their sense that learning is really, really important because look what we've done or look what the, the government's done to support us in our learning.
Painted, white boards, interactive TVs, the division of spaces, but still providing ample room for students and obviously the new office space for staff as well.
Students love the practical component in food and hospitality. And you see that same evidence, whether it's in art or whether it's in phys-ed or whether it's in the laboratory and science that actually doing and that alternative way of learning is critical to schooling.
Yeah, just can't wait for the students to get back into school and actually have a look at these spaces because we've had a number of refits and new builds over the last probably 5 to 10 years.
And this really tops things off.
End of transcript.
Chapman Herbert Architects (Adelaide) Pty Ltd
Keves Building Works