About our children's centre preschool school school site
Elizabeth SA 5112
Elizabeth SA 5112
Location and zone
Location and zone
Location and catchment area
Location and catchment area
Current enrolments
Our children's centre currently has 1386 enrolled students (term 3, 2023).
Current enrolments
Our preschool currently has 1386 enrolled students (term 3, 2023).
Current enrolments
Our school currently has 1386 enrolled students (term 3, 2023).
Current enrolments
Our school currently has 1386 enrolled students (term 3, 2023).
School zone
Our school is zoned. If you live in the zone, your child will usually be able to enrol at our school. If you don't, your child might still be able to enrol, but only if there are enough places.
School zones and catchment areasSchool zone
Our school is zoned. If you live in the zone, your child will usually be able to enrol at our school. If you don't, your child might still be able to enrol, but only if there are enough places.
School zones and catchment areasPreschool catchment area
Our preschool has a catchment area. If you live in the catchment area, your child will usually be able to enrol at our preschool. If you don't, your child might still be able to enrol, but only if there are enough places.
School zones and catchment areasPreschool catchment area
Our children's centre has a catchment area. If you live in the catchment area, your child will usually be able to enrol at our children's centre. If you don't, your child might still be able to enrol, but only if there are enough places.
School zones and catchment areasEnquire about enrolling
Enquire about enrolling
Enquire about enrolling
Enquire about enrolling
Investment in our children centrepreschoolschoolschoolsite
$15.6m capital works investment
Playford International College – major upgrades is undergoing a $15.6m facility upgrade.
Key features of the upgrade include:
The upgrade will provide students with world-leading facilities.
More about the facility upgrade projectHigh-speed, reliable internet
Students and staff at our school have access to high-speed, reliable internet.
Children's centre pPreschool pSchool pSchool pPolicies and reports
Resource entitlement statement (RES)
A summary of the resources available to our school.
Children centrePreschoolSchoolSchoolSite summary
Statistics about enrolments and attendance at our children centrepreschoolschoolschoolsite.
Feedback and complaints
If you have a complaint about a school or preschool, please refer to feedback and complaints for the steps you need to take.