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Fundamentals course: Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care

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Fundamentals is a short course about mandatory notifications and child protection in education.

Everyone must do the fundamentals course before they can work or volunteer in education and care settings.

Course details

Course type: self-directed, online
Running time: 2 hours
Cost: free
Minimum requirements: none
To access: log in to Plink

Suitable for

This course meets the requirements for:

  • volunteers
  • governing council members
  • school board members
  • secondary students completing work experience (not paid or employed)
  • students on professional placement (not pre-service teachers or placement in a preschool or school)
  • bus drivers
  • canteen workers
  • people bridging from the full day Safe Environments – Through Their Eyes training completed in the last 3 years
  • corporate staff who do not work with children and young people
  • sector office education staff (non-government schools) who do not work with children and young people.

In person option for some volunteers

For some volunteers, the online course might not be suitable. A face-to-face version of this course is available. Site leaders can contact their education sector’s help desk for more information about running an in-person training session.

Staff that must do more training

Staff who work directly with children and young people and either:

  • are new
  • do not have a current RRHAN-EC certificate.

These specific staff also need to do  the masterclass.

See masterclass for RRHAN-EC for the list of specific staff and how to access the course.

If you’re still not sure, answer some questions to check which training is right for you.

Endorsed by

This course was developed and is endorsed by:

  • the Department for Education
  • Catholic Education South Australia
  • Association of Independent Schools of South Australia.

RRHAN-EC enquiries

Contact your education sector’s help desk:

Technical support for the online course

Contact the Plink help desk Education.Plink@sa.gov.au.