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Athletics (track and field) Sapsasa state championship

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The track and field Sapsasa state championships are for students selected in district teams. Students with disability participate representing their school. Find out more about the event and how to participate.

Who can participate

To participate in a district team, athletes must

  • be in years 4 to 6 at an affiliated school
  • aged 10 to 12 years old

To participate as a student with disability as above plus, athletes should hold a classification.

Athlete age is calculated as at 31 December in the year of the event. For example, a student turning

  • 10 years old in 2025 competes in the 10 year old events.
  • 12 years old in 2025 competes in the 12 year old events.

Athletes must compete in their age group.

13 year olds in primary school participation

  • 13 year olds in primary schools can compete at the School Sport SA Sapsasa track and field championships.
  • Athletes will compete in the 12 year old age group.
  • 13 year old athletes will receive points allocated for their finishing place and all athletes finishing below will have their place upgraded by one and will be allocated points based on their upgraded finishing position.

Year 7 students turning 12

Only athletes in year 7 and turning 12 in 2025 who wish to be considered for the 12 years and under state team can nominate as an individual competitor to compete at the primary Sapsasa track and field championships. The competition day will be determined based on nominations. Athletes must complete the nomination form by Friday 5 September.

  • The first three district 12-year-old placegetters in that event would be presented with medals and recognised for any record set.
  • Any placed 12-year-olds in Year 7 in the event would be awarded a medal equivalent to their placing and recognised for any record set in the age group.

Where and when

Athletics SA Stadium, 145 Railway Tce, Mile End.

  • Friday 19 September, 2025 for division 1 and 2
  • Monday 22 September, 2025 for division 3 and 4 and students with disability..

On arrival check in with your district team official. Allocated areas will be sent to district convenors.

Students with disability should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to their first event. On arrival check in with the coordinator at your designated seating area.


Division 1

  • South West
  • Airport
  • Adelaide South East
  • East Adelaide
  • Port
  • North Adelaide
  • Adelaide North East
  • City South
  • Riverland
  • Gawler

Division 2

  • Hills
  • Western
  • Southern Heights
  • Onkaparinga South
  • Upper South East
  • Barker
  • Playford
  • Torrens River
  • Lower Eyre Peninsula
  • Tea Tree Gully

Division 3

  • Southern Valley
  • Southern Fleurieu
  • Barossa and Light
  • Onkaparinga North
  • Mid North
  • Lower South East
  • Salisbury East
  • Para Districts
  • Murraylands
  • Southern Yorke Peninsula

Division 4

  • Northern Yorke Peninsula
  • Mid South East
  • North Eastern
  • Central Eyre Peninsula
  • Murray Mallee
  • Northern
  • Western Eyre Peninsula
  • Kangaroo Island
  • Pirie
  • Whyalla


Live results will be available on the day of competition.

Results will be made available shortly after the competition finishes.

Venue entry for athletes and spectators

District team officials will collect all athlete entry fees of $11.00 inc GST. A tax invoice will be sent to districts after the event.

Spectators pay $5.00 inc GST at entry to the venue.

How to enter

Trials are held in each district to select a team to compete at the track and field state championship. Ask your school for your district trial details or contact your School Sport SA district convenor.

Districts must submit their team entries by Monday 15 September.

Students with disability submit the track and field students with disability nomination form by Monday 8 September. Nomination form to be made available closer to the event.

Eligible students submit the Track and field Sapsasa championship for year 7s turning 12 in 2025 form by Friday 5 September. Nomination form to be made available closer to the event.

Event - start times, starting heights, weights and suggested qualifying times

10 year old boys

EventEvent specificsTime
100m Timed final 10.58am
200m Time final 12.20pm
800m Final. Suggested time 3.15 minutes 1.30pm
1500m Final. Suggested time 6.20 minutes 9:48am
4 x 100m relay Timed final 2.30pm
Discus 500g 9.30am
High jump 1.00m starting height 1.15pm
Long jump Not applicable 10.45am
Shot put 2kg 12.00pm

10 year old girls

EventEvent specificsTime
100m Timed Final 10.50am
200m Timed Final 12.10pm
800m Final. Suggested time 3.30 minutes 1.25pm
1500m Final. Suggested time 7.00 minutes 9.40am
4 x 100m relay Finals 2.30pm
Discus 500g 9:30am
High jump 0.90m starting height 1.15pm
Long jump Not applicable 10.45am
Shot put 2kg 12.00am

11 year old boys

EventEvent specificsTime
100m Timed final 11.14am
200m Timed final 12.40pm
800m Final. Suggested time 2.57 minutes 1.40pm
1500m Final. Suggested time 5.55 minutes 10.04am
4 x 100m relay Finals 2.30pm
Discus 750g 10.45am
High jump 1.05m starting height 9.30am
Long jump Not applicable 12.00am
Shot put 2kg 1.15pm

11 year old girls

EventEvent specificsTime
100m Timed final 11.06am
200m Timed final 12.30pm
800m Final. Suggested time 3.12 minutes 1.35pm
1500m Final. Suggested time 6.25 minutes 9.56am
4 x 100m relay Finals 2.30pm
Discus 750g 10.45am
High jump 0.95m starting height 9.30am
Long jump Not applicable 12.00am
Shot put 2kg 1.15pm

12 year old boys

EventEvent specificsTime
100m Timed final 11.30am
200m Timed final 1.00pm
800m Final. Suggested time 2.54 minutes 1.50pm
1500m Final. Suggested time 5.50 minutes 10.20am
4 x 100m relay Finals 2.30pm
Discus 750g 1.15pm
High jump 1.10m starting height 12.00pm
Long jump Not applicable 9.30am
Shot put 3kg 10.45am

12 year old girls

EventEvent specificsTime
100m Timed final 11.22am
200m Timed final 12.50pm
800m Final. Suggested time 3.08 minutes 1.45pm
1500m Final. Suggested time 6.15 minutes 10.12am
4 x 100m relay Finals 2.30pm
Discus 750g 1.15pm
High jump 1.00m starting height 12.00pm
Long jump Not applicable 9.30am
Shot put 3kg 10.45am

Students with disability

All events are straight finals.

  • 100m - 11.38am
  • 200m - 1.10pm
  • 800m - 1.55pm
  • Discus - 12.00pm
  • Long jump - 1.15pm
  • Shot put - 9.30am

Event specifications

  • Long jump take off will be from a rubber mat.
  • Shot put and discus weights applicable for each classification and age group are listed in the table below.
Athlete classification10 year olds11 year olds12 to 13 year olds

Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 750g

Shot put 3kg

Discus 750g

F11 to F13

Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 750g

Shot put 3kg

Discus 750g


Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 750g

Shot put 3kg

Discus 750g

F32 and F33

Shot put 1kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 1.5kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

F34 to F38

Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

F40 and F41

Shot put 1.5kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 1.5kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 750g

F42 to F46

Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 750kg

Shot put 3kg

Discus 750g


Shot put - no event

Discus 350g

Shot put - no event

Discus 350g

Shot put - no event

Discus 500g

F52 to F57

Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g


Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 3kg

Discus 500g


Shot put 2kg

Discus 500g

Shot put 2kg

Discus 750g

Shot put 3kg

Discus 750g

What is classification for students with disability

Classification exists in sport to support as fair competition as possible amongst athletes with different disabilities.

By grouping athletes with similar levels of functional ability into classes for competition, the outcomes of the competition become based on performance rather than on differences in their disabilities.

Students who do not fit into one of these categories may not be able to be classified.

  • Physical or functional
  • Vision impairment
  • Intellectual
  • Deaf
  • Transplant

Classification is coordinated by Athletics SA and must be organised 60 days prior to competing. See Classification by Athletics SA for further details and how get classified.


All districts will be required to supply volunteers to assist with events. Speak to your district team officials if you can help.

Rules and conditions of the track and field Sapsasa state championships

Championship rules

  • District are limited to 1 entry per event excluding wild card entries. Districts may not use more than 6 individual wildcards with a maximum of 2 competitors in any event.
  • Athletes can compete in no more than 3 individual events.
  • Metro district athletes can only compete in 1 relay. Country district athletes can compete in 2 relays though cannot go down an age group.
  • Changes to athlete and team entries must be submitted by the team manager at least 30 minutes prior to the first event on the day. No late additions or changes will be accepted.
  • School Sport SA reserves the right to divide any event into heats or to run concurrently any two or more heats.
  • Only athletes and event officials on duty at the time of the event can be in the competition area.
  • Track events take priority over field events. Athletes check in to the field event first and notify of the clash. Athletes then check into their track event. If time permits return to the field event to compete before their track event starts. After the track event athletes return to the field event, check in and can continue the competition. Athletes returning to high jump will be required to re-join the competition at the current height of the bar.
  • Points will be allocated for all final events including relays and will be 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2 for first to eighth place. One point will be awarded to athletes placed ninth or higher.
  • Spikes no longer than 7mm may be worn for 100m, 200m, relays, high jump and long jump. Athletes in the 800m and 1500m cannot wear spikes because of the large fields and risk injury to others.
  • Starting blocks may be used but only those supplied.
  • Starting method for 100m, 200m and relays will be 'on your marks', 'set', 'gun'.
  • Starting method for 800m and 1500m will be 'on your marks', 'gun'.
  • Electronic timing and photo finish results will be the official results used for placement of athletes for the purpose of settling official protests.
  • A district team official must notify the event convenor of the intention to protest within 5 minutes of the event concluding. If the protest is progressed then the relevant written information is to be completed within 15 minutes. The appointed sub-committee will consider all written protests.
  • At field events, competitor names will be called when it is their turn to compete.
  • Tied performances in field events will use the count-back system to determine final placings.
  • Long jump: 3 jumps in rotation.
  • High jump: 3 jumps in rotation for each height. Athletes will cease competition if they fail after 3 attempts at that height.
  • Discus and shot put: 3 throws in rotation.


  • Teams are made up of either winning school team or best 4 runners in the correct age group in a district.
  • Baton changes must be made within the 30m change-over zone.
  • The 10m acceleration zone can be used to exchange the baton.
  • The baton must be carried in the hand during the entire race.
  • If dropped, the baton must be picked up by the athlete who dropped it.
  • After handing over the  baton, athletes must remain in their lane until the course is clear when the official in charge will ask athletes to leave the track.


  • Athletes must check in to the marshalling area as soon as their events are called which is approximately 10 minutes before the event.
  • Track event marshalling will be at the start area of the event.
  • Field event marshalling will be where the event takes place.

Previous results, records and winners history

10 year old records


EventTimeYearRecord holder nameDistrict or school
100m 13.3s 1980 P Northeast Pennington
200m 27.78s 2022 E Onyeizugbo City South
800m 2.23.02m 2018 J Williams Tea Tree Gully
1500m 5.15.06m 2022 Patrick Zwar North Eastern
4 x 100m relay 56.5s 1982 Team event St Peters
Discus 37.93m 2016 PJ Carlin Adelaide North East
High jump 1.48m



J McMahon

T Nguyen

South East

St Michaels

Long jump 4.72m 1982 T Nguyen St Michaels
Shot put 11.29m 2007 L Page Elizabeth


EventTimeYearRecord holder nameDistrict or school
100m 13.7s



A Capizzi

S Stankiwicz

East Adelaide

Torrens River

200m 28.3s 1984 K Morley Salisbury II
800m 2.33.4m 1993 J Hewitt South West
1500m 5.26.99m 2023 Emma de Haas Hills
4 x 100m relay 58.99s 1983 Team South West
Discus 30.09m 2013 L Panagiotidis Western
High jump 1.45. 1984 S McCulloch Salisbury II
Long jump 4.31m 1997 S Stankiewicz Torrens River
Shot put 9.35m 1985 C Fitzsimmons Modbury

11 year old records


EventTimeYearRecord holder nameDistrict or school
100m 12.2s 2013 S Banks Western
200m 26.1s 1992 M Hutchesson Airport/Western
800m 2.18.2m 1981 P Northeast Pennington
1500m 4.55.90 2019 J Williams Tea Tree Gully
4 x 100m relay 53.82s 1983 Team Western
Discus 34.66m 2015 D Miller Adelaide South East
High jump 1.59m 1981 D Nguyen St Michaels
Long jump 5.14m 2013 J Escabache Kangaroo Island
Shot put 13.90m 2017 PJ Carlin Adelaide North East


EventTimeYearRecord holder nameDistrict or school
100m 13.1s 1984 E Williamson South West
200m 26.5s 1980 S Jenke Lockleys North
800m 2.27.5m 2014 H Seibert Torrens River
1500m 5.13.35m 2023 E Flint North Adelaide
4 x 100m relay 55.9s 1982 Team St Agnes
Discus 32.03m 2018 L Barc Playford
High jump 1.58m 1985 S McCulloch Salisbury II
Long jump 4.86m 1984 K Brown South West
Shot put 11.84m 1980 S Jenke/D V  

12 year old records


EventTimeYearRecord holder nameDistrict or school
100m 12.19s 2016 J Rompis Adelaide North East
200m 24.3s 1972 B Koulocheris Klemzig
800m 2.10.3m 1993 M Hutchesson Airport/Western
1500m 4.48.99m 2023 D Bahr South West
4 x 100m relay 50.93s 2004 Team Torrens River
Discus 44.14m 2023 B Lawson The Heights School
High jump 1.73m 1983 S Graetz Salisbury II
Long jump 2.59m 1997 N Liascos East Adelaide
Shot put 13.93m 2006 N Rose Port


EventTimeYearRecord holder nameDistrict or school
100m 12.5s 1998 M Jones South West
200m 26.4m 1976 S Harvey-Crows South Road
800m 2.19.34m 2023 M Burdon East Adelaide
1500m 4.55.95m 2023 I Strawhorn Hills
4 x 100m relay 52.3s 1969 Team Woodville
Discus 35.67m 2006 Z Davies Tea Tree Gully
High jump 1.62m 1986 S McCulloch Salisbury II
Long jump 5.15m 1991 N Beveridge Onkaparinga
Shot put 10.45m 2001 J McPhail South West

13 year old records


EventTimeYearRecord holder nameDistrict or school
100m 11.6s 1998 A Pilkington Salisbury West
200m 24.2s 1998 A Pilkington Salisbury West
800m 2.10.13m 2017 A Richardson East Adelaide
1500m No event No event No event No event
4 x 100m relay 50.30s 2007 Team Tea Tree Gully
Discus 54.47m 1998 R Laurins Hills
High jump 1.75m 2011 J Dukalskis Lower South East
Long jump 6.02m 1992 S Vacca Elizabeth
Shot put 15.52m 2010 L Page 15.52m


EventTimeYearRecord holder nameDistrict or school
100m 12.81s 2011 G Bradley Southern Heights
200m 26.32s 2011 G Bradley Southern Heights
800m 2.26.5m 1979 J Dart Kidman Park
1500m No event No event No event No event
4 x 100m relay 52.3s 1969 Team Woodville
Discus 40.43m 2014 A Supple Gawler
High jump 1.65m 2018 C Fredrich Adelaide North East
Long jump 5.20m 2018 C Fredrich Adelaide North East
Shot put 11.60m 2017 A Borg Salisbury East

Previous winners history

Metro division 1 winners history

2023 South West

2022 South West

2021 Airport

2020 No competition held

2019 Airport

2018 South West

2017 East Adelaide

2016 East Adelaide

2015 South West

2014 South West

2013 South West

2012 Salisbury East

2011 Tea Tree Gully

2010 Southern Heights

2009 Southern Heights

2008 South West

2007 South West

2006 South West

2005 Southern Heights

2004 South West

2003 South West

2002 South West

2001 South West

2000 Southern Heights

1999 East Adelaide

1998 South East

1997 East Adelaide

1996 Airport / Western

1995 East Adelaide

1994 Southern Valley

1993 East Adelaide

1992 Southern Valley

1991 Onkaparinga

1990 Onkaparinga

1989 Southern Valley

1988 Onkaparinga

1987 Onkaparinga

1986 East Adelaide

1985 Western

1984 Salisbury Team 1

1983 Onkaparinga

1982 Salisbury

1981 Salisbury

1980 Salisbury

1979 Salisbury

1978 Salisbury North West

1977 Salisbury

1976 Salisbury

1975 Salisbury

1974 Salisbury

1973 Salisbury

1972 Klemzig Primary School

1971 Klemzig Primary School

1970 Klemzig Primary School

1969 Woodville Primary School

1968 Klemzig Primary School

1967 Seaton Park Primary School

1966 Woodville Primary School

1965 Ridley Grove Primary School

1964 Ridley Grove Primary School

1963 Ridley Grove Primary School

1962 Seaton Park Primary School

1961 Ridley Grove Primary School

1960 Alberton Primary School

1959 Plympton Primary School

1958 Ridley Grove Primary School

1957 Alberton Primary School

1956 Ridley Grove Primary School

1955 Glenelg Primary School

1954 Alberton Primary School

1953 Alberton Primary School

Metro division 2 winners history

2023 Onkaparinga South

2022 Adelaide North East

Country division 1 winners history

2023 Riverland

2022 Gawler

2021 Gawler

2020 No competition held

2019 Upper South East

2018 Hills

2017 Southern Fleurieu

2016 Gawler

2015 Gawler

2014 Gawler

2013 Gawler

2012 Lower South East

2011 Lower South East

2010 Gawler

2009 Upper South East

2008 Southern

2007 Riverland

2006 Gawler

2005 Upper South East

2004 Upper South East

2003 Upper South East

2002 Upper South East

2001 Upper South East

2000 Upper South East

1999 Upper South East

1998 Riverland

1997 Southern

1996 Southern

1995 Mid South East

1994 Southern

1993 Southern

1992 Southern

1991 Southern

1990 Southern

1989 Murraylands

1988 Riverland

1987 Upper South East

1986 Southern

1985 Riverland

1984 Flinders View Primary School

1983 Murraylands

1982 Berri Primary School

1981 Berri Primary School

1980 Berri Primary School

1979 Cummins Area School

1978 Barmera Primary School

1977 Barmera Primary School

1976 Millicent North Primary School

1975 Millicent North Primary School

1974 Millicent North Primary School

1973 Millicent North Primary School

1972 Millicent North Primary School

1971 Millicent North Primary School

1970 Millicent North Primary School

1969 Risdon Park Primary School

1968 Willsden Primary School

1967 Kadina Memorial School

1966 Kadina Memorial School

1965 Morphett Vale Primary School

1964 Morphett Vale Primary School

1963 No result

1962 No result

1961 No result

1960 No result

1959 Yankalilla Area School

1958 Victor Harbor R-7 School

1957 Victor Harbor R-7 School

1956 Victor Harbor R-7 School

1955 Tailem Bend Primary School

1954 Berri Primary School

1953 Warooka Primary School

Country division 2 winners history

2023 Southern Yorke Peninsula

2022 Mid South East

School Sport SA

Phone: 8416 5900
Email: education.schoolsportsa [at] sa.gov.au