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South Australia
Department for Education
For parents and families
Working with us
For schools and educators
For students
The department
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For schools and educators
Programs for students
School Sport SA
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Statewide schools competitions
18 years and under state team
For parents and families
Enrol in a school or preschool
Find a school zone or preschool catchment area
School enrolment
Preschool and kindergarten enrolment
Zones, catchments and capacity management
Families on 457 or 482 visas
New schools and major upgrades
School and preschool open days
Support for Australian Defence Force families
Term dates and calendars
Find schools, preschools and other services
Financial support and concessions
School Card for low-income families
Financial support schemes
Student travel concession and allowances
Grants for children in care
Student home internet program
International tertiary students – enrol dependents
Curriculum and learning
Early years
Primary and secondary
Literacy and numeracy
Reports and assessments
School Sport SA
Aboriginal school programs and initiatives
STEM learning
Artificial intelligence in schools
Financial literacy
Parent engagement
Families learning together
Engaging in your child’s learning
Learning Together programs
The early years
The primary years
The secondary years
Communicating with school
What being engaged means – videos
Hear from parents, students and teachers
Parents in Education funding
Parent engagement framework
Parent engagement survey
Learning activities to do at home – Our Learning SA
Safety and wellbeing
Child protection
Attendance at school or preschool
Bullying and cyberbullying
Behaviour support
Health and food
National Student Wellbeing Program (NSWP)
Sexual behaviour in children and young people
Gender and sexual diversity
Consent and sexual consent
Mental health
COVID safe measures and requirements
Student health and disability support
Health and complex needs support and management
Improving support for autistic students
School disability support
Preschool disability support
Health and disability programs
Behaviour services
Support Services for students
Support for dyslexia
Childcare services
Out of school hours care (OSHC)
Find a childcare service
Find a playgroup or playcentre
Choosing a childcare service
Immunisation requirements
Family day care
Children's centres
Occasional care for children under school age
School, preschool and children's centre volunteers
Getting involved in your school or preschool
What volunteers need to know
Volunteers and governing councils
Student mentoring
Celebrating volunteers
Host an international student
Working with us
Careers in education
Find a school or preschool job – Edujobs
Become a teacher in SA
Teacher recruitment for 2025
Opportunities in country South Australia
Opportunities for pre-service teachers and graduates
Teachers and school and preschool leaders
Support roles in schools and preschools (ancillary)
Other roles and opportunities
Work conditions
Working with children check (WWCC)
Funding and support for careers in early childhood education
Teacher initiatives
Public Education Awards
Orbis – professional development for teachers
ThankED – say thanks to SA education
Employee recognition events
Out of school hours care (OSHC)
Employment and recruitment
Professional development and training
Policies, contacts, checklists and tools
Running an OSHC service
Roles and responsibilities
Establishing or closing an OSHC service
Third party providers
School, preschool and children's centre volunteers
Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect (RRHAN-EC) training
What volunteers need to know
Why volunteer with us
Governing councils
About governing councils
Membership and roles
Working on governing councils
Elections and meetings
Working with others
Training and resources
Finance and budgets
Legal requirements
Family day care
Family Day Care Educator portal
Family day care providers
Become an educator
Playgroups facilitator guide
Learning Together Communities
Mentor program
Builders, design and maintenance
Standards and guidelines
Designing buildings and spaces for everyone
Service providers
Student health care plan – for health professionals
Non-government preschool service providers funding
Access sites to work with children with disabilities
Supplying goods and services to the department
Tailored Learning panel of providers
Wellbeing programs directory
Speech pathology or psychology external providers
Join the new School Mental Health Service
National Student Wellbeing Program (NSWP)
Sexual health education providers
RRHAN-EC mandatory notification training
RRHAN-EC list of courses
Fundamentals course
Masterclass: RRHAN-EC training
Check what training you need
Keep your RRHAN-EC current
Certificate expiry dates
Resources and checklists
Training organisations for masterclass
Training for external organisations
RRHAN-EC training for volunteers
For schools and educators
Curriculum and teaching
Curriculum taught in SA
Pathways to further education and employment
Year 10 to 12 curriculum
Teaching and learning resources
Remote teaching activities (Our Learning SA)
Teaching for Effective Learning
Curriculum programs
Teach podcast
Technical colleges for VET in high school
Library – Education Leaders' Day
Programs for students
School Sport SA
Water safety
Student volunteering
Challenges, competitions and awards
DreamBig Children's Festival
SA Schools Constitutional Convention
Community Language Schools (CLS) program
Backpacks for refugee children
Rural Youth Ambassadors Program
Civics in the City grant program
Strategies and initiatives
School and preschool improvement
Digital Strategy
Music Education Strategy
Wellbeing for Learning and Life framework
Parent engagement
Sustainability program
Schools as community hubs (SACH)
Child protection
Reporting child abuse or neglect
Child protection curriculum
Policies and guidelines
Protective practices guideline
Information sharing guidelines
Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect training (RRHAN-EC)
Duty of care to protect children
Child safe environments
Health, safety and wellbeing
Health support services and programs
Specific conditions and needs
Health management
Practice guidance for learners with additional needs
Right Bite Food and Drink Supply Standards
Sun protection in schools and preschools
Bullying prevention tools and resources
Gender and sexual diversity
Sexual behaviour in children
Family Day Care Educator portal
National Student Wellbeing Program (NSWP)
About the National Student Wellbeing Program
Government schools in the program
Approved NSWP service providers
Grounds, buildings and facilities
New schools and major upgrades
Canteens and food supply
Education Development Centre (EDC) bookings
Bookmark library system
Update your education and care location details
Using school facilities
Facility design standards
Approved suppliers contact list
Out of school hours care (OSHC)
Principal's role
Running an OSHC service
School Card for non-government schools
For students
Term dates and calendars
Curriculum and learning
Curriculum taught in SA
Year 10 to 12 curriculum
Learning activities to do at home – Our Learning SA
Home education
Learning support programs
Aboriginal education
STEM learning
Student home internet program
Mature age students
Minecraft software
Student volunteers
Information for students starting secondary school
Awards and scholarships
Amy Levai Aboriginal teaching scholarships
STEM scholarships for high school students
Award for Leadership in Languages and Cultures
Governor’s Civics Awards for Schools
Muriel Matters Awards
School Sports Awards
Competitions and challenges
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Premier's 'be active' challenge
Premier's Anzac Spirit School Prize
The Eden School Prize
Sports competitions
Health, safety and wellbeing
Health support planning for children
Bullying – advice and support for students
Alcohol, vaping and other drugs
Mental health
Unwanted sexual behaviour and harassment
Gender and sexual diversity
Get a copy of your past school results
Public Education Student Forum
The department
Our strategy for public education
News and media releases
Latest news
Media releases
About the department
The Minister for Education, Training and Skills
The Chief Executive
Organisational structure
Annual reports
Freedom of information
Contact us
Strategies and plans
Our strategy for public education
Digital Strategy overview
Country Education Strategy
Early Learning Strategy
Music Education Strategy
Aboriginal Education Strategy
Reconciliation Action Plan
Disability access and inclusion
Workforce Strategy
Specialist Teacher Workforce Plan
Career Education and Pathways Strategy
TAFE SA roadmap for the future
Review of the Construction Industry Training Fund Act 1993
Purpose statement for public education
20-Year Infrastructure Plan for Public Education and Care
Feedback and complaints
School or preschool complaints
Feedback and suggestions
ThankED – say thanks to SA education
Help with complaints
Translations – raising a complaint
Public interest disclosure
Merit selection reviews
Services and facilities
Update your education and care location details
Using school facilities
Mail and distribution
Education Development Centre (EDC) bookings
Pay your invoice online
Schools and preschools funding and RES notes
Policies and legislation
Education and Children’s Services Act 2019
Education legislation
Find a policy
Policy consultation process
Stakeholder engagement – our framework
Information sharing guidelines
Department initiatives
ThankED – say thanks to SA education
Country education
Domestic and family violence prevention
Study abroad in South Australia
Year 7 to high school evaluation report
Research and statistics
Statistics and data
Reviews and responses
Conducting research
Committees and panels
Aboriginal Expert Advisory Panel
Multicultural Education and Languages Committee (MELC)