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Ten pin bowling carnival for students with disability

The ten pin bowling carnival is a fun based competition for students with disability in years 5 to 12. Find out more about the event and how you can enter.

Who can participate

To participate in the event, students must be

  • enrolled at an affiliated school
  • in year 5 or above

This carnival is for students with disability, but students without disability can be used to make up a school team.

Students do not need any experience to participate.

Where and when

  • Tuesday 4 March at Zone Bowling Cross Road
  • Wednesday 5 March at Elizabeth Bowland
  • Thursday 6 March at Noarlunga, David Witton Dr, Noarlunga Centre
  • Wednesday 12 March at Elizabeth Bowland

Start time will be no earlier than 10am and finish no later than 2.30pm. Times to be confirmed once nominations close.

Entry fee

There is no cost to participate.

How to enter

Schools submit the ten pin bowling nomination form before Tuesday 18 February.

Carnival format

The carnival is a participation based event to allow students with disability to compete in a supportive environment.

Teams will play 2 games each.


The venue will supply equipment such as

  • ramps
  • balls
  • side bumpers

What makes a team

A team can have up to 4 players and minimum of 3.

Maximum of 1 student without disability can be included to make up a team. These students may need to play with their non-preferred hand to keep the competition event.

Schools with insufficient numbers to make up a team can nominate individual students to make up combined teams on the day.


Presentations will be held at the end of the event.


View the 2023  ten pin bowling SWD Carnival report (PDF 543 KB)

School Sport SA

Phone: 8416 5900
Email: education.schoolsportsa@sa.gov.au