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Term 2 secondary school day carnivals

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Secondary school day carnivals are participation events for schools who nominate teams. Find out more and how to participate in term 2 events.

By completing and submitting a nomination form the school confirms that all students have approval from the Principal to compete at the events under the department’s duty of care policy.

3x3 Basketball

DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Tuesday 1 JulyYear 4 to 6 boys and girlsState Basketball CentreAndrew Gormlie

Submit the 3x3 basketball year 4 to 6 nomination form 2 school weeks before the event date.

5-a-side Football (soccer)

DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Tuesday 1 JulyYear 7 and 8 boys and girlsService SA Stadium, Gepps CrossDaniel Hornhardt
Wednesday 2 JulyYear 7 and 8 boys and girlsWirreanda Secondary SchoolWade Hall
Wednesday 2 JulyYear 7 and 8 boys and girlsService SA Stadium, Gepps CrossMarni Nicholls
Thursday 3 JulyYear 7 and 8 boys and girlsService SA Stadium, Gepps CrossDave Murray

Submit the football (soccer) 5-a-side year nomination form 2 school weeks before the event due date.

Australian football 9-a-side year 7 to 12

DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Thursday 1 MayYear 7 to 10 boys and 7 to 12 girlsEncounter Bay Football ClubWade Hall
Tuesday 6 MayYear 7 to 10 boys and 7 to 12 girlsKensington Gardens ReserveDaniel Hornhardt
Tuesday 13 MayYear 7 to 10 boysSouth Adelaide Football ClubWade Hall
Tuesday 13 MayYear 7 and 8 boysRidley Reserve, ElizabethDave Murray
Wednesday 14 MayYear 9 and 10 boysRidley Reserve, ElizabethDave Murray
Wednesday 28 MayYear 7 to 12 girlsRidley Reserve, ElizabethDaniel Hornhardt
Thursday 29 MayYear 7 to 10 boys and 7 to 12 girlsBarratt Reserve, West BeachDaniel Hornhardt

Submit the Australian football 9-a-side nomination form 2 school weeks before the event date.


DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Wednesday 14 MayYear 11 and 12 boys and girlsSpringbank Secondary CollegeDaniel Hornhardt
Thursday 15 MayYear 11 and 12 boys and girlsParafield Gardens High SchoolAndrew Gormlie
Friday 16 MayYear 11 and 12 boys and girlsSalisbury High SchoolAndrew Gormlie

Submit the basketball nomination form 2 school weeks before the event date.


DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Wednesday 21 MayYear 10 to 12 boys and girlsSpringbank Secondary CollegeDaniel Hornhardt
Thursday 22 MayYear 10 to 12 boys and girlsParafield Gardens High SchoolDave Murray
Friday 23 MayYear 10 to 12 boys and girlsSalisbury High SchoolDave Murray

Submit the badminton nomination form 2 school weeks before the event date.

Fun run

Friday 2 May at North Adelaide par 3 Golf Course

Convenor: Marni Nicholls

Submit the fun run nomination form 2 school weeks before the event date.

Indoor cricket

DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Tuesday 10 JuneYear 7 to 9 BoysAction Indoor Sports, ModburyDave Murray
Wednesday 11 JuneYear 7 -9 boysAction Indoor Sports, ModburyDave Murray
Thursday 12 JuneYear 7 to 12 girlsICA StepneyDave Murray
Thursday 12 JuneYear 7 to 9 boysAction Indoor Sports, ModburyWade Hall
Friday 13 JuneYear 10 to 12 boysAction Indoor Sports, Morphett ValeDave Murray
Friday 13 JuneYear 10 - 12 boys & girlsMorphett ValeWade Hall

Submit the indoor cricket nomination form 2 school weeks before the event date.

Netball - Argarna Park

DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Tuesday 13 MayYear 7 to 9 girlsArgana Park, ElizabethMarni Nicholls
Wednesday 14 MayYear 10 to 12 girlsArgana Park, ElizabethMarni Nicholls
Wednesday 28 MayYear 7 to 9 boys and 10 to 12 boysArgana Park, ElizabethEmily Saint-Bowman

Submit the netball (Argarna Park) nomination form 2 school weeks before the event date.

Netball - Netball SA and SUNA

DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Monday 5 MayYear 7 - 12 boys & girls Netball SA, Mile EndEmily Saint-Bowman
Wednesday 29 May - boys onlyYear 7 - 12 boys & girlsSouthern United Netball AssociationEmily Saint-Bowman

Submit the netball (Netball SA, SUNA) nomination form 2 school weeks before the event date.

Table tennis year 7 to 12

DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Thursday 19 JuneYear 7 to 12 boys and girlsSouthern Table Tennis ClubWade Hall
Friday 20 JuneYear 7 to 12 boys and girlsWoodville Table Tennis ClubDave Murray

Submit the table tennis nomination form 2 school weeks before the event date.

Rock climbing year 7 to 12

DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Tuesday 1 JulyYear 7 to 12 boys and girlsVertical Reality Climbing, Holden HillEmily Saint-Bowman
Wednesday 2 JulyYear 7 to 12 boys and girlsVertical Reality Climbing, Holden HillEmily Saint-Bowman

Submit the rock climbing nomination form 2 school weeks before the event date.

Ten pin bowling

DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Tuesday 24 June - TBCYear 4 to 12 boys and girlsZone Bowling, Cross RoadWade Hall
Thursday 26 June - TBCYear 4 to 12 boys and girlsZone Bowling, NoarlungaAndrew Gormlie
Monday 30 June Year 4 to 12 boys and girlsBowland SalisburyDave Murray

Submit the ten pin bowling nomination form 2 school weeks before the event date.


DateYear level and genderVenueConvenor
Thursday 1 MayYear 9 and 10 boys and girlsThe Arc CampbelltownMarni Nicholls
Friday 2 MayYear 9 and 10 boys and girlsThe Lights Community and Recreation CentreDave Murray
Monday 5 MayYear 9 and 10 boys and girlsReynella East CollegeDaniel Hornhardt

Submit the volleyball nomination form 2 school weeks prior to the event date.