On this page
State team selection information including trial details and the nomination process is available on each specific sports page from the choose a sport page. The nomination process must be completed before the sport’s first selection trial or by the date shown on the specific sports page.
Who can nominate
Nominations will only be accepted from students attending schools affiliated with School Sport SA.
Selection trials and trainings
Nominees should possess well-above average ability and experience. Any selection in a team must have the principal's endorsement.
Nominations for state trials mean that you agree to attend the trials.
Students will be expected to attend trials and trainings in Adelaide at their own expense. Attendance for country students can be negotiated.
Attendance and costs
If selected in a state team, students are expected to stay for the entire championships including the opening and closing ceremonies and the educational experience.
All costs incurred - airfares, accommodation, transport, food, uniforms and levies are at the expense of the student's family.
Specific team accommodation and travel requirements are on the sport specific pages.
Dates and venues
Competition dates, venues and trial or selection details are on the sport specific pages.
Please check age limits carefully.
School Sport SA will enter teams in the following sports:
- Australian football – 12 and under
- Australian football – 15 and under
- Baseball – 18 and under
- Basketball – 12 and under
- Basketball - 16 years and under
- Cricket – 12 and under
- Cricket - 15 and under
- Cross country – 10 to 19 years
- Diving - 10 to 19 years
- Football (soccer) – 12 and under
- Football (soccer) – 18 and under boys
- Football (soccer) – 18 and under girls
- Golf – 12 and under
- Golf – 18 and under
- Hockey – 12 and under
- Hockey – 15 and under
- Netball – 12 and under
- Netball – 15 and under
- Softball – 12 and under
- Softball – 18 and under
- Swimming – 10 to 12 years
- Swimming – 13 to 19 years
- Tennis – 12 and under
- Tennis – 18 and under
- Touch football – 12 and under
- Touch football – 15 and under
- Track and field – 12 and under
- Triathlon – 13 to 19 years
- Volleyball – 15 and under