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Public Education Purpose Student Forum

Thank you for taking part in the Public Education Student Forum

At the forum, we started a statewide conversation about the purpose of public education. We heard from you, the students of South Australia, about your values and ideas for the future.

We’ve used what you told us to inform our strategy for public education in South Australia.

The CE’s welcome to the student forums (1 minute 44 seconds)

Here our Chief Executive, Professor Martin Westwell welcomed students to the student forums in November 2022 across South Australia and outlined their purpose and intent.

What are your hopes for the future? (8 minutes 23 seconds)

In this video our Chief Executive, Professor Martin Westwell described South Australia’s innovation history. Students were asked to share their hopes for the future and how school could help them achieve this.

Exploring the SA students' wellbeing and engagement data through the learning pit video

At the forum students explored the SA students' wellbeing and engagement data related to belonging, cognitive engagement, perseverance and academic self-concept. They discussed the meaning of these terms, analysed the data (see A3 attachments below) and viewed the first 2:10 mins of the James Nottingham learning pit video to discuss how these relate to learning that makes you stop and think.

SA Wellbeing and Engagement Collection (WEC) data summaries (A3) (PDF 1 MB)

For teachers

You can use the following workshop resources to explore the SA Wellbeing and Engagement data with your students.

Explore the SA Wellbeing and Engagement data with your students