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OSHC services operated by school governing councils must have an SSO nominated by the school principal to process all OSHC financial transactions through the department's EDSAS accounting system.
As outlined in the OSHC governance diagram (PDF 138 KB) , four key roles work together to ensure a successful, financially viable service:
- governing council operate OSHC service
- principal
- OSHC director
- department-employed school services officer (SSO).
See OSHC financial management for governing council operated services for financial procedural instructions.
School finance and support officer responsibilities
The school finance and support officers are responsible for:
- processing and reconciling OSHC financial transactions
- monthly bank, investment and liability account reconciliation
- processing OSHC staff wages, including pay as you go (PAYG) tax instalments, superannuation payments and issuing annual employee payment summaries
- submitting business activity statement (BAS), instalment activity statement (IAS) and GST compliance
- processing end-of-month and end-of-year transactions
- entering and maintaining budgets in EDSAS
- providing accurate and timely financial reports including for the OSHC advisory committee meeting twice a term.