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Keeping your RRHAN-EC current – for education staff

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To work in education you must do mandatory notification training. This training is called Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC).

You must keep your RRHAN-EC training current. The online update course is available in plink until 31 December 2024. Complete this training before your certificate expires to avoid any gap.

If you do not have a current certificate, check what training you need to do.

How to know if your RRHAN-EC is still current

If you've done RRHAN-EC training you should have received a certificate. The expiry date is on that certificate.

If you completed your training between 2021 and 2023, your certificate will expire at the end of 2024.

See RRHAN-EC certificate expiry dates for more information.

How to find your certificate

If you can’t find your certificate, you can log in to Plink to download it. Look under ‘My Sessions’ for your list of completed sessions.

If you did the old RAN-EC training in person before 1 July 2021 and can’t find your full day certificate, you’ll need to contact the organisation that delivered your training to get a copy.

If your certificate has expired

If your RRHAN-EC expires, you need to do new training.

All staff need to do the fundamentals course.

Specific staff that work directly with children and young people need to do both the fundamentals course and the masterclass.

If you’re not sure, check what training you need to do.

Gaps in your training history

School-based staff and specific staff who work directly with children and young people must keep their training current. There must not be any gaps.

This applies to teaching and non-teaching roles. If you’re in this type of role, you must complete an online update course before your certificate expires to update your training.

Log in to Plink to access the online update course. This will be available until 31 December 2024.

If you don’t complete the online update before your certificate expires, you'll need to do the fundamentals and the masterclass to update your training. See masterclass for RRHAN-EC to see if this applies to you.

RRHAN-EC enquiries

Contact your education sector’s help desk:

Technical support for the online course

Contact the Plink help desk Education.Plink@sa.gov.au.