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Join our speech pathology or psychology list of external providers

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We’re looking for qualified and experienced psychologists and speech pathologists to join our list of external providers.

Role of psychologists

Psychologists provide psychological assessments for children and young people to identify barriers impacting learning and participation. They will have the capability to conduct assessments and recommendations for children and students who may present with:

  • developmental delays, cognitive differences or giftedness
  • learning disorders and delays
  • social, emotional or behavioural challenges.

Role of speech pathologists

Speech pathologists provide speech pathology assessments and interventions for children and young people who present with speech, language and communication issues impacting on learning and participation. They will have the capabilities and capacity to deliver on assessments and recommendations for students presenting with:

  • limited functional communication
  • severe and complex speech sound disorders
  • language disorders causing significant functional impact.

Apply to join our list of external providers

If you want to help children and young people flourish, apply by sending your resume and a letter of interest to education.externalproviderpanel@sa.gov.au by Friday 23 June 2023.

We'll give you more information as you go through the process. If you have questions contact 0448 644 698 or education.externalproviderpanel@sa.gov.au.

How we assess applications

Our external provider selection panel will assess applications to make sure they meet all business, clinical and accessibility requirements. The panel will nominate suitable applicants to be included on the external provider list.

Once on the list, providers will be allocated casework based on capacity per service. This generally occurs each term.

Being selected as an external provider does not guarantee you will be engaged to deliver services.

Purpose of the list of external providers

The Student Support Services (SSS) Team works with schools, preschools and families for children and young people who have particular educational support needs.

SSS has existing partnerships that increase access to psychology and speech pathology services. To meet a growing demand for these services, we’re looking for more providers to support growth and address periods of high demand. The external providers will help to improve statewide access to important services for children and young people.

