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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 8

Fractions and decimals

Mathematics lesson 1 for year 8 (Series 2)

Review your understanding of fractions and decimals. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.

Terminating and recurring decimals

Mathematics lesson 2 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn to identify terminating and recurring decimals. You'll need a pencil or pen and paper or a digital device.

Writing decimals as fractions

Mathematics lesson 3 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn to write recurring decimals as fractions. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.

Real numbers

Mathematics lesson 4 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn about rational and irrational real numbers. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.

Circles, pi and review

Mathematics lesson 5 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn about pi through analysis of circles and review lessons 1 to 4. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.


Mathematics lesson 6 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn about percentages and methods for converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. You'll need a pencil or pen and paper or a digital device.

Consolidating fraction, decimal and percentage conversions

Mathematics lesson 7 for year 8 (Series 2)

Practise converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. You'll need a pencil or pen and paper or a digital device.

Parts of a whole

Mathematics lesson 8 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn to use fractions, decimals and percentages to identify a specific part of a whole value, and use percentages to describe part of a whole. You'll need a pencil or pen and paper or a digital device.

Worded questions

Mathematics lesson 9 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn how to approach mathematical questions that are posed as sentences or paragraphs, not as equations. You'll need a pencil or pen and paper or a digital device.

Review of fractions, decimals and percentages

Mathematics lesson 10 for year 8 (Series 2)

Review your learning from lessons 6 to 9. You'll need a pencil or pen and paper or a digital device.
