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Year 2

Year 2

These lessons can support short-term learning at home when face-to-face learning is interrupted.

Students can start at lesson 1 and work their way through in order. Each lesson is either a video or a PowerPoint presentation.

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Learning area

Phonics – grapheme introduction

Literacy lesson 1 (Series 1)

Learn about reading and writing words using the grapheme [tch]. You'll need a piece of paper and something to write with.

Phonics – guided practice

Literacy lesson 2 (Series 1)

Learn about reading and writing words using the graphemes [ch] and [tch]. You'll need a piece of paper and something to write with.

Phonics – vocabulary focus

Literacy lesson 3 (Series 1)

Investigate words that have the [tch] grapheme and are homonyms. You'll need a piece of paper and something to write with.

Phonics – morphology focus

Literacy lesson 4 (Series 1)

Learn about using the suffix '-est' to build words. You'll need a piece of paper and something to write with.

Phonics – weekly review

Literacy lesson 5 (Series 1)

Review what you've learned about reading and writing words using the graphemes [ch] and [tch], and suffix '-est'. You'll need a piece of paper and something to write with.


Literacy lesson 6 (Series 1)

Learn to use the grapheme [c] to make the phoneme [s] to read and write words. You'll need a piece of paper and something to write with.


Literacy lesson 7 (Series 1)

Learn to use the grapheme [g] to make the phoneme [j] to read and spell words.You will need a piece of paper and something to write with.


Literacy lesson 8 (Series 1)

Learn about how the letter g can make a j sound before and e, i or y. You'll need a piece of paper and something to write with.

Phonics – morphology

Literacy lesson 9 (Series 1)

Learn to use the prefix 'dis-' to read and write words. Learn the doubling rule 1-1-1 when adding a suffix to read and write words. You'll need a piece of paper and something to write with.


Literacy lesson 10 (Series 1)

Review the soft c, soft g and prefix 'dis-' to read and write words. You'll need a piece of paper and something to write with.
