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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 8

Organisms are made up of cells

Science lesson 1 for year 8 (Series 2)

Review your learning of cells.

Tier 3 words in science

Science lesson 2 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn and know tier 3 words from the lessons on cells.


Science lesson 3 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn about the relationship between structure and function at cell, organ and body system levels in multi-cellular organisms. You'll need a pencil and paper or a digital device to record your answers.


Science lesson 4 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn how to compare and contrast asexual and sexual reproductive systems.

Stem cells

Science lesson 5 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn how stem cells differentiate into forming systems.

The leaf as an organ

Science lesson 6 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn how the leaf of a plant functions as an organ. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device to record your answers.

Gas exchange in plants

Science lesson 7 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn how gas exchange occurs in the stomates of leaves. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device to record your answer.


Science lesson 8 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn about occupations that use the knowledge of photosynthesis and plant reproduction. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device to record your answer.

Breathing mechanisms

Science lesson 9 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn how humans breathe to exchange gases with the environment. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device to record your answer.

Respiratory system

Science lesson 10 for year 8 (Series 2)

Learn how the human respiratory system enables cellular respiration. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device to record your answer.
