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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 9

Attributing ideas in texts

English lesson 6 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to use verbs of attribution when referencing ideas. You'll need a way to record your thinking, either a pen and paper or a supported online platform.

The impact of narrative structure

English lesson 7 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to identify elements of narrative structure. You'll need a way to record your thinking, either pen and paper or a supported online platform.

Characterisation in texts

English lesson 8 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to analyse elements of characterisation. You'll need a way to record your thinking, either pen and paper or a supported online platform.

Point of view

English lesson 9 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to analyse elements of point of view. You'll need a way to record your thinking, either pen and paper or a supported online platform. You'll also need your notes from previous lessons.

Selecting texts to analyse

English lesson 10 for year 9 (Series 1)

Consolidate your knowledge of narrative devices. You'll need a way to record your thinking, either pen and paper or a supported online platform. You'll also need your notes from previous lessons.


English lesson 11 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to explore and analyse setting. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers.

Setting and conflict

English lesson 12 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how setting relates to character conflict. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers.


English lesson 13 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to identify and analyse symbols in two short stories. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers.

Interpretive response

English lesson 14 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn about the interpretive response model and how to write a formal response text. You'll need a pen and paper, or a device to record your written answers.

Drafting and editing

English lesson 15 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to strengthen and refine a response text. You'll need a pen and paper, or a device to record your written answers.
