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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 9

Genre (part 1)

English lesson 16 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn about 'realistic' genres. You'll need a pen and paper, or device to record answers, and access to the internet.

Genre (part 2)

English lesson 17 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn about 'fantastic' genres. You'll need a pen and paper, or device to record answers, and access to the internet.


English lesson 18 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn about how authors use tropes. You'll need a pen and paper, or device to record answers, and access to the internet.

Language features

English lesson 19 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn about language features. You'll need a pen and paper, or device to record answers, and access to the internet.

Comparative language

English lesson 20 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn about comparative language. You'll need a pen and paper, or device to record answers, and access to the internet.

Developing notes

English lesson 21 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to develop your response text notes.You’ll need your notes from previous lessons, a copy of your chosen story, coloured pens and paper or digital workbook.

Salient features

English lesson 22 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to identify the salient features in a text.You’ll need your notes from previous lessons, a copy of your chosen story, coloured pens and paper or digital workbook.

Outlining paragraphs

English lesson 23 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to create a paragraph outline.You’ll need your notes from previous lessons, a copy of your chosen story, coloured pens and paper or digital workbook.

Outlining an introduction

English lesson 24 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to outline an introduction paragraph.You’ll need your notes from previous lessons, a copy of your chosen story, coloured pens and paper or digital workbook.

Completing your essay

English lesson 25 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn how to conclude and refine your essay.You’ll need your notes from previous lessons, a copy of your chosen story, coloured pens and paper or digital workbook.
