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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 9

Percentage calculations

Mathematics lesson 16 for year 9 (Series 1)

Find a percentage of an amount both with and without a calculator. You'll need paper, pencil and a calculator.

Percentage calculations – increase and decrease

Mathematics lesson 17 for year 9 (Series 1)

Recall how to conduct percentage calculations, including percentage increase and decrease. You'll need paper, pencil and a calculator.

Review of percentage calculations

Mathematics lesson 18 for year 9 (Series 1)

Review percentage calculations. You'll need paper, pencil and a calculator.

Simple interest – what is interest?

Mathematics lesson 19 for year 9 (Series 1)

Learn about simple interest and how to calculate the simple interest and the total amount earned. You'll need paper, pencil and a calculator.

Simple interest – developing the simple interest formula and the total amount

Mathematics lesson 20 for year 9 (Series 1)

Develop the simple interest formula, use the simple interest formula and find the total amount. You'll need paper, pencil and a calculator.

Find the total amount and monthly repayments

Mathematics lesson 21 for year 9 (Series 1)

Use the total amount formula and calculate monthly repayments. You'll need paper, pencil and a calculator.

Simple interest and problem solving

Mathematics lesson 22 for year 9 (Series 1)

Use simple interest formula and total amount formula to solve problems. You'll need paper, pencil and calculator.

Review and consolidate ratio and indices

Mathematics lesson 23 for year 9 (Series 1)

Review and consolidate ratios and indices. You'll need paper, pencil and calculator.

Review of scientific notation, significant figures and percentage calculations

Mathematics lesson 24 for year 9 (Series 1)

Review and consolidate scientific notation, significant figures and percentage calculations. You'll need paper, pencil and calculator.

Review of simple interest

Mathematics lesson 25 for year 9 (Series 1)

Review and consolidate simple interest. You'll need paper, pencil and calculator.
