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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 10


English lesson 16 for year 10 (Series 1)

Learn about the purpose, structure and features of podcasts. You'll need pen and paper or a device, and your independent activity from the last lesson.

Planning your creative text

English lesson 17 for year 10 (Series 1)

Learn about purpose, audience and planning your creative text. You'll need pen and paper or a device, and your independent activity from the last lesson.


English lesson 18 for year 10 (Series 1)

Learn about creating introductions for different text-types. You'll need pen and paper or a device, and your independent activity from the last lesson.


English lesson 19 for year 10 (Series 1)

Learn about creating the middle or body of your text for different text-types. You'll need pen and paper or a device, and your independent activity from the last lesson.


English lesson 20 for year 10 (Series 1)

Learn about creating the end of your text for different text-types. You'll need pen and paper or a device, and your independent activity from the last lesson.

Refining poetry creative texts

English lesson 21 for year 10 (Series 1)

Learn how to develop and edit poetry to give power to your voice.You’ll need your notes from previous lessons, a copy of your chosen story, coloured pens and paper or digital workbook.

Refining persuasive creative texts

English lesson 22 for year 10 (Series 1)

Learn how to develop and edit persuasive texts. You'll need pen and paper or a device, and your independent activity from the last lesson.

Refining podcast creative texts

English lesson 23 for year 10 (Series 1)

Learn how to develop and edit podcast scripts.You’ll need your notes from previous lessons, a copy of your chosen story, coloured pens and paper or digital workbook.

Refining creative video texts

English lesson 24 for year 10 (Series 1)

Learn how to develop and edit video texts. You'll need pen and paper or a device, and your independent activity from the last lesson.

Completing your creative text

English lesson 25 for year 10 (Series 1)

Learn how to use some of the language devices of key text types.You’ll need your notes from previous lessons, a copy of your chosen story, coloured pens and paper or digital workbook.
