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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 10

Introduction to documentary and mockumentary

English lesson 1 for year 10 (Series 2)

Learn the purposes, audiences and contexts of documentary and mockumentary texts. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.

Features of documentary film (part 1)

English lesson 2 for year 10 (Series 2)

Learn to identify, analyse and respond to language features in documentary film texts. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.

Features of documentary film (part 2)

English lesson 3 for year 10 (Series 2)

Learn to identify, analyse and respond to other language features in documentary film texts. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.

Narrative in documentary and fiction films

English lesson 4 for year 10 (Series 2)

Learn to identify and analyse the similarities and differences in documentary and fiction film narratives. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.

Types of documentary

English lesson 5 for year 10 (Series 2)

Learn to identify and analyse the evolution, purposes and features of the 6 main documentary types.

Documentary and mockumentary film language

English lesson 6 for year 10 (Series 2)

Learn how documentary and mockumentary filmmakers use visual, aural and verbal language to achieve their intentions. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.

Language features and humour in mockumentary film

English lesson 7 for year 10 (Series 2)

Learn how mockumentary filmmakers make visual, aural and verbal language choices for humorous effect. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.

Satire, irony and hyperbole in mockumentary film

English lesson 8 for year 10 (Series 2)

Learn to understand and analyse satire, irony and hyperbole in mockumentary films. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.

Sarcasm, paradox and puns in mockumentary film

English lesson 9 for year 10 (Series 2)

Learn how mockumentary filmmakers make sarcasm, paradox and puns for humorous effect. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper, or a digital device.

Humorous language in the mockumentary style

English lesson 10 for year 10 (Series 2)

Learn to apply language choices for humorous effect in the mockumentary style. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper or a digital device.
