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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 1


Literacy lesson 56 for year 1 (Series 2)

Learn the digraph [oa] as an alternate spelling for long [o] and the high frequency, irregular word 'twenty'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 57 for year 1 (Series 2)

Learn the digraph [oe] as an alternate spelling for long [o] and the high frequency, irregular word 'hundred'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 58 for year 1 (Series 2)

Learn the digraph [o] as an alternate spelling for long [o] and the high frequency, irregular word 'fifty'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 59 for year 1 (Series 2)

Learn the prefix [re-] which means back or again.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 60 for year 1 (Series 2)

Learn the digraph [ew] as an alternate spelling for long [u] and high frequency, irregular word 'laugh'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 61 for year 1 (Series 2)

Learn the digraph [ue] as an alternative spelling for long [u] and the high frequency irregular word 'work'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 62 for year 1 (Series 2)

Learn the open syllable [u] as an alternative spelling for long [u] and the high frequency irregular words 'could', 'would', 'should'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 63 for year 1 (Series 2)

Learn the suffix [-ed] which denotes past tense.We will explore when [-ed] makes the [t] phoneme and the high frequency, like the irregular word 'asked'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 64 for year 1 (Series 2)

Learn the suffix [-ed] which denotes past tense.We will explore when [-ed] makes the [d] phoneme and the high frequency, like the irregular word 'called'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 65 for year 1 (Series 2)

Learn the suffix [-ed] which denotes past tense.We will explore when [-ed] makes the schwa [ə] phoneme and learn the high frequency, like the irregular word 'thought'.You will need something to write with and some paper.
