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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 1

Counting to 100

Numeracy lesson 11 for year 1 (Series 1)

Notice numbers within 100, carry out simple additions and subtractions, and count more and less. You'll need something to write with, some paper or a scrapbook, and collections to count.

Place value

Numeracy lesson 12 for year 1 (Series 1)

Learn addition facts to 10 and more, and understand place value. You'll need something to write with, some paper or a scrapbook, and a collection of things to count.

Multiple 10 frames

Numeracy lesson 13 for year 1 (Series 1)

Learn addition facts to 10 and more and understand place value. You'll need something to write with, some paper or a scrapbook and a collection of things to count.

Counting collections to 100

Numeracy lesson 14 for year 1 (Series 1)

Learn partitioning and the importance of grouping by tens. You'll need something to write with, some paper or a scrapbook and a collection of items to count.

Review of number concepts and strategies

Numeracy lesson 15 for year 1 (Series 1)

Build mental images of number. You'll need something to write with, some paper or a scrapbook and a collection of items to count.

Addition to 10 and beyond

Numeracy lesson 16 for year 1 (Series 1)

Explore addition and the part-part-whole strategy. You'll need paper and pencil to write with and a collection of objects to count.


Numeracy lesson 17 for year 1 (Series 1)

Revisit addition facts to 10 and explore different ways to make larger numerals. You'll need a few sheets of paper, 2 different coloured pencils and objects for counting.

Addition – counting on

Numeracy lesson 18 for year 1 (Series 1)

Learn how to use the counting on strategy to support addition. You'll need paper and pencils to write with and objects for counting.


Numeracy lesson 19 for year 1 (Series 1)

Explore subtraction and its relationship with addition. You'll need paper and pencils to write with and objects for counting.

Putting it all together

Numeracy lesson 20 for year 1 (Series 1)

Apply your knowledge of addition and subtraction to different contexts. You'll need paper and a pencil to write with and objects for counting.
