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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 2

Ten of these is 1 of those

Numeracy lesson 11 for year 2 (Series 1)

Learn about ones, tens and hundreds. You'll need something to write with, some paper or a scrapbook, and a collection of items to count.

Representing 3 digit numbers

Numeracy lesson 12 for year 2 (Series 1)

Make models of numbers with 3 digits using hundreds, tens and ones. You'll need something to write with paper or scrapbook and items to count.

Saying and writing 3-digit numbers

Numeracy lesson 13 for year 2 (Series 1)

Learn how to group, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones. You'll need something to write with, paper or scrapbook and items to count.

What does zero do?

Numeracy lesson 14 for year 2 (Series 1)

Group, partition and re-arrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones using 3-digit numbers with zero as a digit. You'll need something to write with, paper or a scrapbook and items to count.

Partitioning 100 in different ways

Numeracy lesson 15 for year 2 (Series 1)

Learn to partition 100 using benchmark numbers 10, 20, 25, 30, 50, 75. You'll need something to write with, paper or a scrapbook, and items to count.

Make and order 3-digit numbers

Numeracy lesson 16 for year 2 (Series 1)

Learn to make, say and order 3-digit numbers. You'll make a set of 3-digit numbers and order them from smallest to largest. You'll need paper or a scrap book, pencil and a pack of cards.

Make and order 3-digit numbers

Numeracy lesson 17 for year 2 (Series 1)

Learn to make, say and order 3-digit numbers. You'll need paper or a scrapbook, something to write with and a pack of cards.

Making a whole of 20

Numeracy lesson 18 for year 2 (Series 1)

Learn to show 2 parts that make a whole of 20. You'll need something to write with, some paper or scrapbook, some items for counting and a pack of playing cards.

Split a whole into 2 parts

Numeracy lesson 19 for year 2 (Series 1)

Learn to find 2 parts that make a whole of 20 and learn to split a whole into 2 parts. You'll need something to write with, paper or a scrapbook, some items to count and a set of playing cards.

Adding 2 parts to make a whole

Numeracy lesson 20 for year 2 (Series 1)

Learn to identify a whole from 2 parts and how to use an addition strategy to add 2 parts together to make a whole. You'll need something to write with, paper or scrapbook and some dice.
