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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 3


English lesson 6 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn about contractions and how they're used. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers.

Exploring evaluative words

English lesson 7 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn about evaluative language and how words can be used to persuade people. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers.

Using word clines

English lesson 8 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn how evaluative words can show judgements or opinions about people, places or things. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers.

Evaluative language in narratives

English lesson 9 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn how evaluative language can be used to persuade readers to make judgements in narratives. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers.

Using evaluative language to persuade

English lesson 10 for year 3 (Series 1)

Apply your knowledge of persuasive language to write a persuasive text. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers.

Persuasive language in letters

English lesson 11 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn to identify modality in persuasive letters. You'll need a pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers.

Persuasive language choices

English lesson 12 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn to identify some persuasive language choices writers make. You'll need a pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers.

Persuasive text structure

English lesson 13 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn to identify a typical structure for persuasive texts that can be used for planning. You'll need a pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers.

Typical elements of persuasive texts

English lesson 14 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn about writing persuasive texts. You'll need a pencil and paper, or a device to record your written answers and your sentences from lesson 13.

Typical structures and elements of persuasive texts

English lesson 15 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn about persuasive text structure and how writers can engage the reader. You'll need a pencil and paper, or a device to record written answers and your sentences from lessons 13 and 14.
