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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 3

Verbs and verb groups (part 2)

English lesson 11 for year 3 (Series 2)

Learn to use precise words to show what characters do, say, think and feel.You’ll need a pen or pencil and paper.

Literal and inferred meaning in a short novel (part 1)

English lesson 12 for year 3 (Series 2)

Learn to identify literal and implied meaning in texts.You’ll need a pen or pencil and paper.

Literal and inferred meaning in a short novel (part 2)

English lesson 13 for year 3 (Series 2)

Learn to use ideas and information in a text to build comprehension of a text.You’ll need a pen or pencil and paper.

Narrative structure (part 1)

English lesson 14 for year 3 (Series 2)

Learn how to identify and analyse the narrative structure in a short story.You’ll need a pen or pencil, green and red pencils and paper.

Narrative structure (part 2)

English lesson 15 for year 3 (Series 2)

Learn how to express a viewpoint about the resolution to a story.You’ll need a pen or pencil, paper and the plot diagram from lesson 14.

Number and place value – skip counting

Mathematics lesson 1 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn about skip counting collections by 2s, 5s and 10s, and group collections of objects in 10s. You'll need small objects for counting, a pencil and paper, whiteboard or a computer.

Number and place value – odd and even numbers

Mathematics lesson 2 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn to recognise odd and even numbers and to know why they are odd or even. You'll need a pen and paper, whiteboard or computer, and some small objects you can count.

Place value – odd and even numbers

Mathematics lesson 3 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn about odd and even numbers. You'll need paper, a pencil or pen, 2 or more dice, or pebbles, sticks, buttons, pasta shells or beans.

Number and place value – counting, recording and ordering numbers

Mathematics lesson 4 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn to place numbers on number lines and how to use language of greater than, less than, half way between and almost when placing numbers on number lines. You'll need small objects, for counting, a pencil and paper, whiteboard or a computer.

Place value – exploring 10s

Mathematics lesson 5 for year 3 (Series 1)

Learn to recognise and represent numbers up to 99. You'll need paper and a pencil or pen, a whiteboard or your computer. You'll also need 2 or more dice, or pebbles, sticks, buttons, pasta shells or beans.
