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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 5

Fantasy review

English lesson 6 for year 5 (Series 1)

Learn how to define the fantasy genre and identify the common elements of fantasy. You'll need a pen and paper, or a device to record your work.

Exploring a fantasy novel

English lesson 7 for year 5 (Series 1)

Learn how to name and think about the language used to show fantasy elements. You'll need a pen and paper or a device to record your work.

Characterisation in a fantasy novel

English lesson 8 for year 5 (Series 1)

Learn how to identify and use language that represents characters in written viewpoints. You'll need a pen and paper or a device to record your work.

Plot, setting and theme of literary texts

English lesson 9 for year 5 (Series 1)

Explore the actions, feeling and problems of characters as you learn about theme. You'll need a pen and paper or a device to record your work.

Precise language to develop characters

English lesson 10 for year 5 (Series 1)

Learn how to use precise language to build characterisation, setting and story events. You'll need a pen and paper or a device to record your work.

Starting points of sentences for prediction

English lesson 11 for year 5 (Series 1)

Learn about the starting point of a sentence. You'll need a pen and paper or a device to record your work.

Starting points of sentences for shift of time

English lesson 12 for year 5 (Series 1)

Learn about time shift in the starting point of a sentence. You'll need a pen and paper or a device to record your work.

Vocabulary to build plot tension and develop characters

English lesson 13 for year 5 (Series 1)

Learn about language that shows how characters develop as plot tension builds. You'll need a pen and paper or a device to record your work.

Vocabulary to build plot tension and develop characters

English lesson 14 for year 5 (Series 1)

Learn about language that shows how characters develop as plot tension builds. You'll need a pen and paper or a device to record your work.

The Forests of Silence (part 1) review

English lesson 15 for year 5 (Series 1)

Learn about plot events that influence character development. You'll need a pen and paper or a device to record your work.
