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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 6

Adding fractions with the same denominator

Mathematics lesson 11 for year 6 (Series 2)

Learn to add fractions that have the same denominator. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper.

Adding fractions with different denominators

Mathematics lesson 12 for year 6 (Series 2)

Learn how to add fractions that have different denominators. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper.

Subtracting fractions (1)

Mathematics lesson 13 for year 6 (Series 2)

Learn how to subtract fractions. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper.

Subtracting fractions (2)

Mathematics lesson 14 for year 6 (Series 2)

Learn how to subtract fractions. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper.

Solving addition and subtraction fraction problems

Mathematics lesson 15 for year 6 (Series 2)

Learn how to solve worded problems that involve fractions, using addition and subtraction. You'll need a pen or pencil and paper.

Civics and citizenship, government and democracy

Humanities and social sciences lesson 1 for year 6 (Series 1)

Review the relationship between civics and citizenship, democracy and government. You'll need a pen or pencil and somewhere to record your responses.

Australia’s democratic system of government

Humanities and social sciences lesson 2 for year 6 (Series 1)

Learn what the key institutions of Australia’s democratic system of government are and how the British Westminster system of government influences Australia’s government. You'll need a pen or pencil and somewhere to record your responses.

Australia's 3 levels of government

Humanities and social sciences lesson 3 for year 6 (Series 1)

Learn about the role and importance of the 3 levels of government in Australia. You'll need a pen or pencil and somewhere to record your responses.

Making laws in Australia

Humanities and social sciences lesson 4 for year 6 (Series 1)

Learn how laws are initiated and made in Australia. You'll need a pen or pencil and somewhere to record your responses.

Australian citizenship

Humanities and social sciences lesson 5 for year 6 (Series 1)

Learn about the rights and responsibilities of being an Australian citizen. You'll need a pen and paper or something to write your responses down and the independent activity from lesson 4.
