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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 7

Identifying clauses and noun groups in a media text

English lesson 16 for year 7 (Series 1)

Learn how to identify a range of clauses and noun groups. You'll need a pen, paper or a device to record your answers.

Annotating a news article

English lesson 17 for year 7 (Series 1)

Learn how to identify the features and literary devices in a news article. You'll need a pen, paper or a device to record your answers.

Planning and writing a news article

English lesson 18 for year 7 (Series 1)

Learn how to plan and write a news article. You'll need a pen, paper or a device to record your answers.

Refining and editing a news article

English lesson 19 for year 7 (Series 1)

Learn how to edit a news article. You'll need a pen, paper or a device to record your answers.

More rhetorical devices

English lesson 20 for year 7 (Series 1)

Learn to identify and use new rhetorical devices. You'll need a pen, paper or a device to record your answers.

Comparing persuasive texts

English lesson 21 for year 7 (Series 1)

Learn to compare the language and visual elements of 2 persuasive texts. You'll need a pen, paper or a device.

Evaluating an advertisement

English lesson 22 for year 7 (Series 1)

Learn to interpret and evaluate the effectiveness of an advertisement. You'll need a pen, paper or a device to record your answers.

Evaluating the effectiveness of an advertisement

English lesson 23 for year 7 (Series 1)

Learn to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertisement against a design brief. You'll need a pen, paper or a device to record your answers.

Planning an advertisement

English lesson 24 for year 7 (Series 1)

Plan an advertisement to meet a client's needs. You'll need a pen, paper or a device to record your answers.

Creating an advertisement

English lesson 25 for year 7 (Series 1)

Create an advertisement to meet a specific purpose. You'll need a pen, paper or a device to record your answers.
