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Learning at home resources

This page lists lessons for students learning at home. You can use the check boxes below to filter the list of lessons.



Year 8

Algorithms and cookies in news media

English lesson 16 for year 8 (Series 1)

Learn how algorithms and cookies are used by online media sites to filter the news you see. You'll need your workbook or digital journal.

Advertising in the media

English lesson 17 for year 8 (Series 1)

Learn about advertising in the news media. You'll need your workbook or digital journal.

Visuals in print

English lesson 18 for year 8 (Series 1)

Learn how still images work in the news to create meaning and influence the viewer. You'll need your workbook or digital journal.

Visuals in motion

English lesson 19 for year 8 (Series 1)

Learn how moving images in broadcast news and multimodal news texts make meaning, and consider how these visuals are used to influence the viewer. You'll need your workbook or digital journal.

Ethics and censorship in news media

English lesson 20 for year 8 (Series 1)

Learn about ethics and censorship in news media. You'll need your workbook or digital journal.

Reporting on a historical event using online news

English lesson 21 for year 8 (Series 1)

Learn to apply the features and conventions of online news media. You'll need a workbook or digital journal and your notes from previous lessons.

Storyboarding the news

English lesson 22 for year 8 (Series 1)

Apply your understanding of the techniques used in visual texts to an analysis of a news piece, and create a storyboard for your own news story. You'll need a workbook or digital journal.

Construction of representation in news media

English lesson 23 for year 8 (Series 1)

Learn about the construction of representation in news media. You'll need your workbook or digital journal.

The Ashes in the news

English lesson 24 for year 8 (Series 1)

Learn about representation in the news media, and apply your understanding of meaning-making devices to identify bias in news reports. You'll need a workbook or digital journal.

Writing a sensational news report

English lesson 25 for year 8 (Series 1)

Learn to apply rhetorical devices to create a sensational news report. You'll need your workbook or digital journal and your notes from previous lessons.
