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'Body Drumset' by Little Kids Rock

Little Kids Rock has introductory resources and video tutorials that teach students how to play musical instruments. The 'Body Drumset' lesson shows you how to play the drums without a drumkit. All you need is your body.

Structure and features

'Body Drumset' has 7 sequential videos that teach students about the parts of the drumkit, and how to play a basic rock beat and beginner fills. Your left shoulder is the hi-hat, your left thigh is the snare, and your right foot is the kick.

Learning opportunities

  • Play along with the video tutorial.
  • Play your body drumkit to your favourite song.
  • Perform a body drumkit performance for someone in your family.
  • Teach someone else to play their own body beat.


Teacher notes

This site provides students with opportunities to demonstrate the performance aspects of the Achievement Standards.