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'The Final Quarter' and archival documentary techniques

Students will learn what an archival documentary is and examine archival documentary filmmaking conventions, particularly in relation to the film 'The Final Quarter'. Students will explore how the editor and director created mood and message for the audience, and appreciate how archival documentary can powerfully communicate public messages of importance.

Structure and features

Students will be able to apply their analytical skills to scenes from 'The Final Quarter', which tells the story of retired AFL star Adam Goodes. Goodes is known to many for his resilient journey in the face of detrimental treatment by AFL spectators and the media beginning in 2013. The online unit teaches students about how the director of 'The Final Quarter' uses technical and symbolic codes to create powerful meaning for the audience. The resource also includes:

  • information sheets
  • student worksheets
  • discussion prompts
  • vocabulary listings
  • archival documentary fact sheets
  • learning tasks. 

Students will have the chance to create their own archival documentary that considers social, ethical and regulatory issues.


Teacher notes

This unit contains:

  • 3 media arts lessons designed for Year 9 and Year 10 students
  • a range of other lessons and units, linked to other areas of the curriculum, at different year levels
  • all Australian Curriculum links.

Note: this film may not be suitable for viewing by all young people. Teachers are advised to use their discretion when deciding whether to show this film. If teaching in a context with a high proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, it is imperative that guidance is sought from the Principal and Aboriginal Education Officer (or equivalent) prior to screening the film.