Alphablocks is a British children's educational television series that teaches reading and writing with the use of animated blocks that represent each letter.
Structure and features
For students and families
Phonics is about recognising letters and knowing how they sound. Alphablocks will build alphabet and phonic knowledge and help your child to identify and produce different sounds. It is made in a cartoon style with each episode taking around 3 to 5 minutes. You can use this series to reinforce phonics learning at home and as a way to engage your child. Animations are organised into different areas:
- Alphablocks – journey through the alphabet
- Alphablocks – phonics first steps level 1
- Phonics – words beginning with…
- Phonics – ABC adventures
- Alphablocks – long vowels, phonics
- Alphablocks – rhyming words.
For teachers
This is animation sequence could be used alongside the Jolly Phonics program. You can search for videos that correspond to the teaching sequence of phonics and current learning focus, and share them with families to use with their student at home.
Teacher notes
Curriculum links
English – Language strand
- phonological and phonemic awareness of the ability to identify the discrete sounds in speech (phonemes), and to reproduce and manipulate them orally
- alphabet and phonic knowledge – the relationship between sounds and letters (graphemes) and how these are combined when reading and writing
- spelling knowledge – how sounds (phonemes) of words are represented by letters or letter patterns, knowledge of meaning units within words (morphemes) and word origins.