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Eating Healthy

The healthy eating curriculum incorporates information from the Australian dietary guidelines and the Australian guide to healthy eating. This resource provides a range of lessons for R-7 students. Year levels are suggested, although they can often be adapted for other age groups.

Structure and features

For teachers

 View the relevant sections of the healthy eating curriculum kit to help you with your planning. Downloadable resources include:

  • healthy eating curriculum kit for South Australian primary schools
  • healthy choices
  • food labelling
  • food preparation
  • growing food
  • media
  • cultural, religious and spiritual influences
  • linking healthy eating with general capabilities
  • recipes
  • teaching support material. 

View the related information on the site including links to:

  • implementing healthy food practices
  • right bite and healthy eating policies
  • food allergies.


Teacher notes

Australian curriculum:

  • Strand: Personal, Social and Community Health
  • Focus Area: Food and nutrition
  • Cross curriculum links: Maths, English, Science, HASS.