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Healthy eating and lifestyle choices: year 3 and 4

A lesson plan for teachers to help students make informed healthy food choices and engage in physical activity at school. There is an option to modify this for home. Students will learn that it is their responsibility to maintain good health and lifestyle choices.

Structure and features

Lesson plan

  1. Diagnostic assessment
    Students can take the short quiz (appendix A) [10 min].
  2. Video resource
    watch the Video about healthy eating for kids [5 min].
  3. Small group work
    Students complete a class survey about healthy eating habits (Appendix B) [10 min].
  4. Whole class work
    Students plan methods of recording data, using their survey results – Use IWB to create tables and charts [10 min].
  5. Assessment task
    Teacher explains assessment task. Students create a poster about healthy eating. Students discuss headlines, and the use of images [10 min].
  6. Investigation
    Students investigate healthy eating posters on the internet and create posters to put around the school/home using digital and non-digital modes [15 min].


Teacher notes


  • Collect student posters to assess.
  • Check off user of Food and Nutrition Quiz (appendix A), Health and Nutrition Survey (appendix B), and Generation Food Survey (appendix C).
  • Collect anecdotal notes on student participation.

Australian Curriculum

  • Strand – personal, social and community health and movement and physical activity
  • Focus Area – food and nutrition, health benefits of physical activity, lifelong physical activity.
  • Cross curriculum links – English, maths, science, visual arts.