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Move it Australia!

Kids need at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. 'Find Your 30' helps Australians find ways to fit 30 to 60 minutes of activity into their day.

Structure and features

This resource will help

  • families to access simple solutions to get the whole family active together
  • students to explore ways to 'Find Your 30' at home, at work, at school and on the weekend.


Teacher notes

Australian curriculum

  • Strand – personal, social and community health.
  • Focus area – health benefits of physical activity, lifelong physical activity.
  • Cross curriculum links – English, Maths, Science.

Project ideas

Encourage students to work on an inquiry-based learning project that explores daily movement, using these questions (also available in the links above) to guide their inquiry:

Pose real questions.

  • What do I want to know about this topic?
  • What do I know about my question?
  • How do I know it?
  • What do I need to know?
  • What could an answer be?

Find resources.

  • What kind of resources might help?
  • Where do I find them?
  • How do I know the information is valid?
  • Who is responsible for the information?
  • What other information is there?

Interpret information.

  • How is this relevant to my question?
  • What parts support my answer?
  • How does it relate to what else I know?
  • What parts do not support my answer?
  • Does it raise new questions?

Report findings.

  • What is my main point?
  • Who is my audience?
  • What else is important?
  • How does it connect?
  • How do I use media to express my message?