This is a good website to establish a sound understanding of the Black Death. It uses concise and informative written material which is supported by short videos. The website provides detailed information that helps students to understand the causes of and conditions during the Black Death, the global epidemic which ravaged the Middle Ages.
Structure and features
The Black death website provides:
- well-considered and concise information that is a good introduction to the topic
- videos to support understanding
- printable content and citation information.
For teachers
This resource provides some sound overviews into the causes and conditions during the Black death. The video material is well-produced and informative, allowing students to shape an understanding of this historical event. This source is separated into four sections titled:
- the Black Death Begins
- understanding the Black Death
- Black Plague – god’s punishment?
- flagellants.
Teachers can use this website to introduce the topic of the Black Death to junior middle school students, allowing for elaboration. Other information sources can be provided to explore details such as cause, conditions, remedies and the outcomes of the plague for European civilisation at the time.