Titled ‘Comparing and contrasting Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome’, this article compares and contrasts the attributes of these two powerful European civilisations. Characteristics such as art, economy, social class, the role of women, fatherhood and government are examined. This article is useful in understanding and developing a historical knowledge of the Mediterranean region. This article is from the ThoughtCo website, a good referencing site.
Structure and features
The 'Comparing and contrasting Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome' resource provides:
- clear and concise descriptions of similarities and differences
- images to support understanding
- links within the text to information in associated articles with citation.
For teachers
This article provides good initial material to establish an understanding and generate discussion and inquiry into Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. The article is brief enough to be read in approximately 10 minutes, providing several opportunities for teachers to shape learning. A series of questions can be used to check knowledge and allow extensions. This is done with inferences about why particular attributes were present in that society. A Venn diagram would also be a useful learning tool to unpack the information from this article. Student learning can be extended by students researching and then comparing and contrasting features of these societies such as military, slavery, natural resources, trade and technology.